
Front Defile: The invaders dress in civilian and flee from the front line - Melitopol mayor

The Russian military is trying to detain deserters, and in the occupied cities arrange fights among themselves. In the Zaporozhye direction, the Russian military is rapidly reducing motivation and they run away from the front line, even dressing in civilian clothes. On September 27, the mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov announced in his own telegram-channel. "Every successful shot of the Armed Forces reduces the motivation of the invaders in the Zaporozhye direction," Fedorov emphasized.

He noted that the Russian invaders resort to pursuing deserters, for which they check virtually every car that goes from the city, searches for the houses where the Russian military lived. In addition, Fedorov reported that conflicts were flashing between the Russian invaders, and often on ethnic soil. "In Tokmak," the military police beat "the participants of their" Osseta and Kabardin with the slogans "Russia for the Russians," the mayor adds.

According to Fedorov, in order to strengthen the motivation of his army, which is a cannon "meat", the dictator Putin even assigned the 58th Army, which just fights in the Zaporozhye direction, the name "Guards". "However, this will definitely not help the Russians to win. They will flee with the honorary title," the mayor assures.

We will remind, earlier in ISW ​​informed that in the west of the Zaporozhye region the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation increased significantly. Analysts have suggested that the aggressor country could face a shortage of combat units that could be transferred to this direction. In addition, the Russians try to cover up peaceful inhabitants as a "live shield" in the Melitopol direction.