
Sold on AliExpress: RF Stailroots received the complexes

The invaders issue a cleaning system for their development, but experts have recognized a Chinese complex that can be easily bought on the Internet. The assault units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have tested in the war in Ukraine the portable complex "Purel" from "Roshelectronics" (part of the State Corporation "Rostek"), designed to combat unmanned aerial vehicles. About it writes the Russian TASS agency with reference to "Roselectronics".

It is reported that during the tests in real combat conditions, the clean system confirmed its tactical and technical characteristics. According to the developers, the complex is constantly modernized and is now being produced by its third version of the product "Purel-P". "The assault units are provided with a significantly reduced threat to the UAV of the enemy," the manufacturer said. The device is a case weighing up to 8 kg that can be controlled remotely.

The complex is equipped with antennas of three types with separate control of frequencies that emit an all -directional pulse. It forms a uniform signal that overlaps the upper hemisphere within a radius of up to 1000 m. Experts of the Defense Express portal drew attention to the Russian system of Purgistu "Purel" back in November last year.

They suggested that the Russians simply copied Chinese development, noting that similar products, in a similar form factor and with the same elements, freely sold on Aliexpress. Moreover, the same devices are sold in the territory of the Russian Federation under the names "Antidron Dron-180", "Antidron" Harpia 1000 ", etc. Visually the products are almost identical, but the Russians added to their version a remote control panel.