
The Wall-E robot and backpacks for € 7000: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation found protection against Ukrainian drones-media (video)

According to the journalists, the development was named after the work-rescuer from the popular Disney Cartoon. It is the first system of radio electronic wrestling on the track chassis, which was released in the Russian Federation. Russian troops are trying to protect not only large motorized units, but also individual soldiers from drones. The front uses the newest track machine against UAV-an unmanned robot called Wall-E. About it writes the Polish edition of Syfrowa.

It is reported that the car was named after the work-rescuer from the popular Disney Cartoon. It is the first Russian system of electronic wrestling on the caterpillar chassis. It does not have an offensive weapon, but it is equipped with antennas and a system of muffling radio and GPS signals. According to the Russian media, Wall-E has undergone field tests in June and is intended to protect the land troops, the battery allows you to ensure many hours of work and active radio electronic fight.

"This creates a kind of invisible dome that makes exploration drones and Kamikadze. Rebovet, the manufacturer of this equipment, guarantees that the system will be able to suppress communication with drones within a radius of up to 300 meters," the publication said. Separate soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to receive similar systems in the form of "backpacks-loush".

Separate soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to receive similar systems in the form of "backpacks-loush". According to journalists, thanks to these devices drones fall 250 meters from the target. But such backpacks also use the Ukrainian military. This mobile device is difficult to track, it interrupts the drone with the operator. But the backpacks are relatively expensive. One set costs about 7 thousand euros. The system can only work for an hour on one charge.