
The Armed Forces are approaching the time ravine, the Armed Forces may lose the village of Ivanivske - Deepstate (maps)

The Armed Forces fighters improved the situation near Tabaivka, but there is a threat to the time ravine. The situation in Ivanovsky is extremely bad and can end in loss of the settlement. The units of the Armed Forces had to retreat near Kupyansk, where the Fighters of the Armed Forces were able to knock them out of recently occupied positions. On the south shade of the front, the enemy captured half of Ivanovsky under Bakhmut and accumulates forces near Orlovka near Avdiivka.

The current situation on the front line is referred to in the analytical report of experts of the Deepstate volunteer group. The experts explained on which shades of the Front the Armed Forces reflects the most storms, and where new threats have emerged or intensified. At the same time, they emphasized that the Russians commit military crimes against prisoners of war, so Ukrainians should not "hope for mercy from these in*families.

" According to preliminary estimates, the Russian army will have the potential to step during March 2024. The reason for this activity is the elections in the Russian Federation, where they want to show "successes" before the election of President Vladimir Putin. According to Deepstate, the Armed Forces fighters improved their positions near Tabayivka, located 20 km southeast of Kupyansk. It is also possible to keep the enemy near Ternov and Yampolivka in the estuary.

According to experts, the Russians have slightly reduced activity on this front of the front. However, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were rotation, so another activation may soon begin. Under Bakhmut, the enemy presses the direction of two settlements: on Bogdanivske (2-3 km from the eastern outskirts of the temporal ravine) and on Ivanivske (4. 5 km from the time ravine).

Deepstate estimates that the loss of Ivanovo is possible in the near future - on the map it is indicated that the Russians occupied half of the village. Experts stressed that the ravine is at particular threat, as the Russians have raised reserves and plan to increase pressure. Another threatening point - near the mite, south of Bakhmut, is reported in the report. Under Avdiivka Russians collect reserves in the direction of Orlovka, but the village is not yet under full control of the enemy.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation operate in the following areas: the expert report refers to the only attempt of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to attack the South shade - near the villages of Novodonetsky and Priutin. There are no special changes near the robot and willow, and there was some enemy activity near the village of Chervone: it was assumed that it was a "defense check" or "distracting maneuver".

DEEPSTATE Data was not updated about the situation under the crust on the left bank of Kherson region. It should be noted that the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces as of March 3 did not detail the situation in the east and south, but told about the number of storms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In particular, there were nine attacks by the Russians near Kupyansk, there were four under Bakhmut, near Avdiivka.