
A new scandal may occur because of new prices for the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense - an expert

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine may face a new reputation scandal related to the food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This time - because MO requires suppliers to buy products for the Armed Forces at no longer existing prices, that is, who "were relevant last year or even earlier, and now there are simply no such prices.

" This is emphasized by political scientist Alexei Holobutsky, who compared the prices of MO contracts with real prices for products that are currently relevant in Ukraine, reports Apostrophe. "I will say a very unpopular thing: some suppliers are forced to save on products for defenders, because they are put in this situation by the Ministry of Defense itself," Golobutsky said. Accordingly, he emphasizes, this can affect the quality of food that falls on the table to Ukrainian defenders.

Alexei Holobutsky writes: "The Deputy Minister of Defense has recently visited the warehouses of some military units in the east of the country, because there was information about poor quality food for the military. The official saw rotten bananas, other substandard products, threatened their finger towards suppliers, threatened them with penalties and went. ” Holobutsky believes that it is the Defense Ministry that creates such conditions by reducing the prices of products at auctions.

The expert proposes to see the prices of the MO auction of January 4 and compare prices for products from this auction with real market prices. The Ministry of Finance portal is engaged in daily prices on the main supermarkets. There is also a fresh article with prices for products in the Voice of Ukraine newspaper, which is the official publication of the Verkhovna Rada.

So: "Product suppliers have asked the MO to increase the marginal prices in tenders and bring them closer to real market ones that exist in nature now. But in the Ministry of Defense, they correspond to categorical refusals and say that marginal prices will not be changed. Even, by the way, even, by the way, by the way. Despite the increase in inflation, fixed by the State Statistics Committee, "the expert writes.