
He was hung up in the negotiations: Macron realized that he was wrong, offering "Putin's" Putin's face - media

According to journalists, the President of France realized that the Kremlin's head was not really interested in negotiations. Now France is looking for new partners because he wants to lead the process of expanding the European Union. French President Emmanuel Macron realized that he was wrong when he said that the Kremlin's head Vladimir Putin needed to "keep his face". Now the French leader has a more serious mood to support Ukraine.

About it writes Politicio with reference to its sources in French diplomacy. It is reported that at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine the leader in Kiev was at that time Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson. At the same time, Macron insisted that Putin could not be humiliated, and Russia deserves "security guarantees". However, as the publication writes, since then the moods in Paris have changed.

Yes, Macron has undertaken to be one of the strongest allies of Ukraine. He agrees in support of "to victory". Senior Advisor to the International Institute for Strategic Studies by Francois Eisburg, Macron was attached to the idea of ​​playing an intermediary role between Putin and Zelensky. "And it meant that he was extremely careful when the case concerned the supply of weapons," he said. According to him, French President realized that Putin was not really interested in negotiations.

It is also reported that France is now looking for new partners because he wants to lead the EU expansion process, although she has been negative before. "In Paris and outside the closed door, a feverish diplomatic activity is underway. The French government consults and tests" red lines "before a large speech, which Macron is about to make early next year," the material reads. It is reported that the President of France will outline his ambitions in this speech to expand the EU.