
Mobilization in Ukraine: What will be the salaries of the Armed Forces (video)

The Ministry of Defense stressed that the financial support of the recruited fighter will not differ from the provision of the mobilized or the person who signed the contract. Payments take into account the amounts with "combat" and without "combat". In Ukraine, general mobilization and martial law continues. The conscript is subject to conscripts from 18 to 60 years. Recently, the Ministry of Defense announced a recruiting project to the Armed Forces.

The Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova in the air of the telecast will be informed about how the salaries for recruits will be informed for recruits. According to her, the salary of the recruited soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will depend on the position occupied by the serviceman and the task. "This is not a salary, but cash.

It is defined by law, depending on what position a person occupies, as well as whether he or she performs special tasks, whether it is fighting, for example, on the first line," Kalmykova explained. She added that the recruited fighter will not differ from the provision of a mobilized or who signed the contract. Payments take into account the amounts with "combat" and without "combat".

According to her, 25 thousand hryvnias will be received by the military without "combat", and 125 thousand hryvnias - with combat if the military spends a whole month at the forefront. The Deputy Minister of Defense also noted that the project will now be launched in Ukraine, which is designed to attract motivated people to service in the Armed Forces. Kalmykova explained that recruiting is a word used in the armies of the world. It is the involvement of people in service.

"We are accustomed to the fact that we have a reason that we have personnel officers and our task to expand the opportunity for humans, to see what vacancies are from units. What skills, knowledge and experience are needed and make your choice. " It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense has launched a portal with all details of cash security and social protection of the military. There is also a calculator where you can calculate your cash.

We will remind, on November 20 the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova and co -founder and SEO Work. ua Arthur Mikhno signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the project "Recruiting". We will remind, on November 16 it was reported that the Verkhovna Rada was offered to call by written consent and to be released at will.