
"Nothing knocks down": why in the Russian Federation created a combat laser complex "Peresvet" (video)

The invaders claim that the laser system will be able to protect them from the US and NATO attack, dazzling their intelligence satellites in space. The Russian Federation stated that a complex of laser weapons "Peresvet" can dazzle satellite intelligence systems in orbits, thus covering up strategically important military facilities. The tactical and technical characteristics (TTH) of the system published the Russian portal Avia.

pro, citing an article in the journal of the Ministry of Defense of Russia "Army Collection". Until recently, most of the data on the complex has been classified. For the first time, the existence of "Peresveta" was mentioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly in 2018. Judging by the information released, the system is intended to counteract space apparatus of optical-electronic intelligence (KA OER) by influencing them with powerful laser radiation.

Now the Russians have revealed some characteristics of the product. According to the Russians, "Peresvet" can cover an area with a diameter of 130 to 180 kilometers and is used in automated mode. Zones: according to azimuth-360 degrees, and in the angle of place-21-155 degrees.

The article states that the apparatus can dander laser radiation to dazzle spacecraft at a distance of 200 to 1100 kilometers, but the head of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" Yuri Borisov in an interview with TASS from 2022 spoke about a range of 1500 kilometers. According to the occupiers, the complex should cover strategically important objects, places of concentration of living power and technology, as well as maneuvers and movement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, this system is called a promising means of counteracting air-space attack by the US, NATO and their allies. The publication of the Russian "Peresvet" was commented by the Ukrainian military expert in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov in his Telegram. "I am here to our media here that Russia has a redevelopment laser. It is not known about it, but it seems to be.

They say that they overtook Dragonfire and others, and here it turns out that the combat laser was nothing It does not destroy. We will remind that in 2018 the director of the Center for Analysis of Weapons Igor Korotchenko in an interview with the Russian media stated that "Peresvet" allegedly works effectively against the drones of industrial and handicraft production, but only in "ideal conditions".