
Russia can prepare a massive shelling of Ukraine on February 24: Analysis from experts

According to the military-political observer Alexander Kovalenko, the enemy of Fetish for significant dates and he can use the anniversary of the full-scale war on the anniversary of the full-scale war. Air Force spokesman, Yuri Ignat, called not to be attached to the calendar, because it is almost impossible to calculate the time of attack.

The second anniversary of the full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine and the enemy, according to some experts, can resort to massive attacks in peaceful cities. The focus gathered everything that is known about it. In the Poltava community, educational institutions were advised to switch to a remote format for the next 2 days, because during this period, before the anniversary of a full -scale invasion, as if the danger of shelling by the Russian Federation.

This was stated by the Director of the Department of Education of the City Council Jeanne Kaploukh in a comment to "Public". According to her, not only shelling has increased recently, but also the number of reports of replacement has increased. In this regard, the department recommends switching to distance training on February 22 and 23. At the same time, the final decision should be made by the management of a particular educational institution.

The Department of Education of the Poltava Regional Military Administration and the Ministry of Education and Science did not receive recommendations on distance learning. Representatives of other Ukrainian regions also did not speak about this. The military-political observer of the "Information Resistance" group Alexander Kovalenko did not bypass the topic of probable shelling and in the comment "TSN" also spoke about it.

According to him, the risks of attacks by the enemy during the anniversary of a full -scale invasion increase. "Mass shelling is quite possible because they have a binding (to dates- ed. ) Fetishism. Kamikadze. I do not exclude that they could accumulate the Dronov-Kamikadze Dronov resource recently in order to be used in greater quantities. Therefore, such a terrorist act is quite possible, "-said Alexander Kovalenko.

Regarding the number of air goals that can be launched simultaneously the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the military-political observer is oriented on December 29, 2023, when one of the most massive strikes was carried out-158 air damage. There were also Kamikadze drones and various rockets. The speaker of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Yuriy Ignata said the day before that it is impossible to calculate exactly when the enemy was going to carry out another mass shelling.

Russian invaders are not always attached to the dates and this should also be taken into account. According to him, relevant services in Ukraine can only have some information about the preparation for the impact, but no one can say the exact time. This is influenced by various factors, including enemy intelligence or weather conditions. "The decision is already made directly the day before. Therefore, it is not necessary to calculate some dates.

It is always avail to be alert, because a massive attack can happen any day. As we can see, the enemy is not always tied to its sacred dates, to our dates, but It beats to be unexpected for us, "Yuri Ignat said. We will remind, on February 21 in the GUR declared that the Russian Federation along the border with Ukraine launched 46 starting installations of the missile complex "Iskander".

Two starting installations were added, they made an additional tactical group that is used for launching of ballistic missiles from the territory of Russia, as stated by Ukrainian intelligence representative Vadim Skibitsky. Also on this day the enemy attacked several regions of Ukraine. As a result of the work of the Air Force, the Russian X-59 was destroyed in Poltava region, and 13 drones were liquidated within the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions.