
If the gas transit from the Russian Federation stops: Ukraine will check the readiness of the gas transportation system

The process of verification, as explained in the Ministry of Energy, consists of four stages, including modeling of possible crisis scenarios after a complete stop of Russian gas transit. Ukraine is going to re -test the gas transportation system to confirm the readiness of all infrastructure to stop Russian gas transit. This was announced on February 21 by the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

"During the stress test, possible crisis scenarios will be identified and the risks of potential physical harm to infrastructure, which may affect the ability to transport natural gas from Ukrainian underground gas storage (PSG) to the European Union,"-the message reads. It is noted that testing of the gas transmission system includes four stages. The results will be made public in the second half of April - before the start of the pumping season.

It should be noted that a year earlier the gas transportation system has already undergone a stress test, which confirmed that the Ukrainian gas infrastructure was not threatened by a failure if the transit of "blue fuel" from Russia is completely stopped. They also want to carry out re -inspection in order to increase the confidence of Western companies that they can store gas in Ukraine. According to the department, in 2023 foreign traders and energy companies stored in Ukrainian PSG 2.

5 billion cubic meters of gas. At the same time, Naftogaz plans to increase this figure to four billion in 2024. "Preparation has already been started. This is really important, because it helps to preserve and maintain the confidence of our partners, to encourage them to store more gas in our storage facilities," said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz. By the way, Ukraine has the largest gas storage facilities in Europe, which is 30 billion cubic meters.

Our country can offer about 15 billion cubic meters to European partners. We will also add that in 2024 the transit of Russian gas through the Ukrainian territory can really stop. The reason: a five -year contract with Russia ends in December. In the summer of 2023 it became known that Ukraine will continue the treaty. We will remind, in 2022 the Ukrainian authorities announced the certification of "Ukrtransgaz", which will allow the company to become a European operator of gas storage facilities.