
$ 5 billion shelling as China and West "helped" the Russian Federation to arrange one of the most powerful attacks in Ukraine

Russian troops were involved in the morning attack in Ukraine more than a hundred different long -range missiles and drones "Shahaned". Ukrainian and Western intelligence probably miscalculated armaments in the aggressor reserves. The Russian defense industry is adapting to new challenges, saying military analysts surveyed by focus.

The Russian army on the morning of August 26 carried out a massive attack in Ukraine with the use of missiles of various types: aerobalistic "daggers", marine "calibers", ballistic weapons, as well as shock UAVs. According to Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Schmigal, the explosions were heard in 15 regions, the aggressor was tired of energy infrastructure. The Ukrenergo State Company forced to use emergency power outages to stabilize the system.

The situation is difficult, energy is trying to eliminate the consequences, said the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy Herman Galushchenko. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called today's combined strike of Russian troops one of the most powerful: more than a hundred missiles of different types and about a hundred "Shahaned" were involved. "Many damage in the energy where there is a shutdown is ongoing. Repair crews will work around the clock. Let's return electricity.

In all cities and communities that need it, there are now points of unbreakable," the Head of State informed. Zelensky mentioned the need for work of air defense systems together with the aviation of European neighbors of Ukraine. Such unity worked effectively in the Middle East during Iran's missile strikes on Israel from April 13 to April 14, 2024, but during the full -scale war in Ukraine was never realized.

After the rocket attack, the Russians launched a wave of shock drones in Kherson, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky and Ternopil regions, told in the Air Force of Ukraine. The amount of money spent on rocket and drone attack on August 26 can only be calculated approximately.

If you take the calculations of Forbes as a basis, the following amounts are coming: based on these approximate calculations, Russia has been spent on the morning attack on August 26, about $ 5 billion on rockets and up to $ 5 million - drones. The Air Force Command did not publish the statistics of the goals issued before the material is published. There are other open data on the cost of the caliber missiles.

The Russian Wikipedia gives the numbers much smaller: from $ 300 to $ 350,000 and up to $ 500,000 for an export version. According to Forbes, it turns out that "caliber" is three times more expensive than the latest modification of the American winged maritime base rocket to Tomahawk Block IV for $ 2 million. It is difficult to make an approximate and objective picture of prices for Russian weapons because of the secrecy of export contracts.

You can try to analyze the prices of all components: engine, shell, guide and others, explains the focus of the former engineer for the tests of the Antonov Design Bureau, Konstantin Krivolap. "Obviously, if the Russians buy spare parts for rockets in the West, the final product will be expensive. The cost of Russian weapons is higher than the European. The European Union is fulfilled with heavy profits, and the Russians added the value of the Russian. -800 thousand rockets.

Previous miscalculations of Russian missiles often exclude the variant of production of part of components in Russia, not their purchase. Western electronic schemes have long become an integral part of the shells. In June 2023, the Ermak-Macfola sanction group stated that microelectronics was produced in the US, Switzerland, Germany and Japan. The share of states was over 80% of the total volume.

Ballistic missiles for the Iskander complex have 32 types of foreign electronics, and "daggers" - almost 50. On what conditions Russia receives quality components for missiles. According to The Insider, a plant of the Japanese-American company Kyocera AVX is located in Salvador, which produces tantaline capacitors with high temperature stability. In 2021, a quarter of all supplies of capacitors came to Russia directly from El Salvador, but can now be carried through China.

The American Institute for the Study of the War in the report of July 27, 2024 wrote about the successful exchange of weapons of Russia, Iran and North Korea. Pyongyang passed about 4. 8 million ammunition to Moscow, and Tehran-many drones-Kamikadze Shahaned. Iranian UAVs also gather at the object in the special economic zone of "Alabuga" in the Russian Tatarstan, by 2025 experts are preparing to produce 6,000 devices.

China in every way denies the sending of Russia's military assistance, but in the annual report of the US Pentagon it was said that Chinese state -owned enterprises sold the army of the Russian Federation of double -use products. The list includes small arms, drones, navigation equipment and protective equipment. In exchange, Russia can increase oil exports to low prices. The times of barter calculations, according to Konstantin Kryvolap, have already passed.

Partners prefer to buy Russian weapons at contract prices, which is not always profitable for Moscow. India forced the aggressor to conduct transactions with a significant decrease in the exchange rate. The Stockholm International Institute for Peace Problems has estimated that in recent decades, Moscow has provided 65% of New Delhi's weapons purchases, but after a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the structure of procurement has changed.

"The Russians wanted to pay Rs, but the Hindus gave them such a course that it became unprofitable to work with them," the air expert added. Russia will not make the exact chips for rockets, and high -quality and high -quality China will not make it. You have to contact Europe or Taiwan, but there is no supply from the last country, the specialist says.

The leading economist of the Center of International Economic Relations of China Cenlin said that in 2023, China became a large exporter of the chip. Prior to that, the PRC imported the specified products from the US, Japan and South Korea for more than $ 400 billion. Due to the increase in the pressure of the Beijing event, it was necessary to establish its own production. Now the economist says that the chips are gradually becoming a "main commodity" in the export structure of the PRC.

Judging by the continuation of massive missile strikes and the offenses of the invaders in the Donbass, Moscow does not look at the military expenses during a full -scale war in Ukraine. It is important for President Vladimir Putin to achieve the set goals, including the partial immersion of Ukraine in Blackut, says the reserve colonel, an expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev.

The countries of Asia and the Middle East have long turned into hubs through which the Russian Federation receives high -precision rockets. And on the example of opening factories of advanced companies in Salvador, you can understand how China's economic role has increased. The world giants of the industry themselves have placed production in third world countries, and later manufacturers have accessed new technologies.

The forecasts of Ukrainian and Western intelligence on lack of rockets in Russia do not correspond to realities. The Russian defense industry adapts to challenges, functions and creates new types of weapons, summed up Seleznyov. We will remind, in Lutsk as a result of the Russian attack in the morning on August 26, a driver "Shahed" was hit by a residential building. In addition, most areas of the city have switched off electricity and water supply.