
Needed for War in Ukraine: As the Russian Federation receives NVIDIA AI-Chips (Infographics)

According to journalists, the Russians buy advanced American technologies through India, and Malaysia is the place of sending them. Despite the sanctions imposed in connection with the war in Ukraine, the Indian firm Shreya Life Sciences sells the Russian Federation Powerpedge Xe9680 from Dell Technologies Inc, which contain processors, optimized for artificial intelligence (AI) from NVId. Bloomberg writes about it.

It is reported that in April-August this year, the pharmaceutical company Shreya Life Sciences exported 1111 units of the most modern Dell Technologies Inc. The specifications of 998 servers delivered show that they were equipped with H100 chips from NVIDIA. The mentioned servers and chips are included in the list of goods limited by the United States and the European Union "to combat the sensitive sectors of the Russian military-industrial complex".

According to journalists, Shreya imports advanced technologies in the Russian Federation since September 2022. Although India is a transshipment point, trading data indicates that Malaysia is actually the place of sending. Thus, the data on imports to India for March-August 2024 show that 1407 servers were imported into India from Malaysia.

A high -ranking Indian official said on the conditions of anonymity that the export of India of controlled goods and dual -use goods and technologies is fully compliance with its national laws and rules, as well as an international obligation to non -proliferation. As for Shreya Life Sciences, according to the agency, it was founded in 1995 by judged by Kumar Singh. From January 2022 to August 2024, she sold pharmaceutical products in Russia worth $ 22 million.

Russia is listed on the company's website as the first among the six major foreign markets. The first non -medical export record of Shreya, which was discovered by journalists, appeared in September 2022, when the company sent to Russia the range . She sold equipment to another company, Silkway LLC, which was sanctioned in the same period.

Two months before the imposition of sanctions, Shreya stopped cooperation with both companies and began selling products of Main CHAIN, which is not subject to sanctions. On its website, the company states that it "imports and sells wholesale computer equipment from different foreign manufacturers. " According to the newspaper, SHREYA exports to Main Chain increased sharply in April this year, when the company increased the sales of Dell Poweredge XE9680.

In addition, Main Chain purchased technological products from another Indian company - Hayers Infotech Private Limited. Journalists noted that Dell Poweredge XE9680 servers fall under the HS 847150 code, which is included in the list of double -use goods, compiled by the EU jointly with the US, the United Kingdom and Japan in order to limit the use of Russian weapons systems against Ukraine. This list is partially based on the technologies found on the battlefield.