
Billions accounts: As the Russian Federation without Europe, it was struck in debt by making friends with China

Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, as analysts have calculated, the Kremlin has received at least $ 9. 7 billion from four Chinese banks. China's influence on Russia's banking sector has quadrupled, Financial Times reports. Thus, according to the data analyzed for the publication of the Kiev School of Economics, since February 2022, the four largest banks of China have increased their influence on the banking sector of Russia.

These are banks such as: it is noted that Russia has received almost $ 9. 7 billion from these financial institutions. "Credits of Chinese financial institutions to Russian banks and credit institutions, which are mostly a case of replacement of dollars and euros with Yuan, indicate that sanctions are doing their business," - said Andrey Onoprienko, Deputy Director of Development of the Kiev School of Economics.

According to journalists, the participation of Chinese banks in the financial market of Russia has intensified almost immediately with the beginning of a full -scale war in Ukraine, when Western regulators imposed sanctions and called on the world banking institutions to stop operations in the Russian Federation.

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the outflow of capital of 2022 from Russia amounted to $ 227 billion, although independent experts agree at a minimum of 300 billion. At the same time, as noted in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, for the first quarter this year, from the country withdrew $ 21 billion.

However, Russians can still open accounts and cards with European banks, but provided that they have passed all inspections and if they managed to export money from the country with restrictions entered by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The process itself has been left in sanction design to leave Russia without funds for war and still private capital continues to flow from the Russian economy, which is profitable for Ukraine in terms of weakening the financial capacity of an aggressor, which is deprived The share of which is now aimed at war. Earlier, Focus wrote that Russia could not raise $ 39 billion for oil supply to India.