
The Russian Federation will advance from the east and north. Why the US is advised to go to defense in 2024

The event is alarmed: without a new military plan and cash infusions, Ukraine risks losing war with Russia. Winter is the best time to soak the enemy with minimal losses and restore reserves to the second wave of counter -offensive. Focus learned how the plans for the fighting of Kiev and the Allies differ. Kyiv and Washington are developing a new military strategy by the beginning of 2024, and they will be given a rate for defense.

The New York Times (NYT), with reference to high -ranking officials, writes that new plans are being prepared because of the failure of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. Americans insist on protecting the rest of the Ukrainian territories, as well as increasing forces and means. "It is better to adhere to Ukraine to" keep and build ", to increase its own production of weapons during 2024. The self -sufficiency of Kiev in this case increases," - the interlocutors of the newspaper say.

The Ukrainian military-political leadership is prone to another plan-a counterattack on earth and long-range missiles. For this purpose, experts study the tactics of drawing successful strokes on weapons and logistics units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Crimea. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy voiced the military goals of Ukraine for 2024 at a meeting with American colleague Joe Biden on December 12.

First of all, it is necessary to increase air defense and means for the destruction of the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "Our goals for the year 2024 are clear: to deprive Russia of the benefits in the air and disrupt their offensive operations. I think it is real," the head of state said. High -ranking persons in Washington are afraid of the transition of a full -scale war to a dead end phase.

With such a schedule, Russian President Vladimir Putin will be given preference. "Rates are huge. Without new strategy and additional funding, Ukraine can lose war. Ukrainian leaders are not aware of how unstable is the further funding of the United States. If not changing the strategy, the next year will turn into 1916-the most bloodiest year of the First World War. Thousands of young people, and the line of hostilities has hardly changed, " - said NYT.

Focus, military analysts surveyed by focus consider the idea of ​​transitioning Ukraine to defense before the beginning of the new year justified. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are coming in many areas, the Armed Forces need to demand the enemy's potential with minimal losses and restore reserves before the second wave of the counter -offensive, according to the safety programs of the Center of Globalism "XXI Strategy", the first rank captain in the reserve Pavel Lakichuk.

"Modern defense methods are not to burn into trenches and wait. Its forms and methods do not reject tactical offensive operations. The defense must be kept until the balance of forces changes," the expert commented. The main line of attack of hostile troops is located in the east of Ukraine, the main line of clashes runs in six directions-from Kupyansk to coal, says the veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the reserve Major of the Armed Forces Alexei Hetman.

Attack should be expected on the north side. Belarus has not yet formed the strength for the offensive, but invaders can quickly transfer the capable units. Therefore, in winter it is important to strengthen the position of the Armed Forces with fortifications in order to prevent large losses in the future, the expert emphasizes the attention. The counter -offensive in 2023 was built on the transformation of the Ukrainian army into American standards.

This approach was tested in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. In Ukraine, it has a minimal effect: multimillion -dollar expenses for tanks and other armored vehicles, training of units did not prevent the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to keep 20% of the country's territory, Western analysts say. The parts of the Armed Forces, which were prepared in Germany, worked out a breakthrough of much less fortified defense lines than, for example, in a robot.

The invaders built mine fields more powerful than during the Korean War between the Northern and Southern Peninsula from 1950 to 1953, NYT adds. "Old technology stopped the offensive of the Ukrainian army. The Russian drones interrupted the connection between the advanced units and the Armed Forces team point," the publication reads. Washington considered Donbas not as important strategic territory as the occupied southern areas.

The Americans advised Ukrainians to do the South, and in Kiev they believed that the defense of the Russians in this area was too reliable and feared huge human casualties. Ukraine preferred to divide the forces between the East and South and refused to attack in one direction. "There is a share of the truth in Ukrainian criticism. There has been a kind of" collective expectations, " - said Eric Siaramell's" for International Peace "for the International Peace.

Taking into account the existence of a limited amount of forces and means at their disposal. Our troops had no advantage over the Russian Federation either in artillery, nor in live force or in aviation. To talk about any mistakes of the Armed Forces is wrong, "-is convinced by a specialist. It is unreasonable to try to destroy the enemy's army with a battalion. If there is not enough living force, one must have more modern military equipment, but the event did not provide it, hetman assures it.

" at times than the Russians. Did you send us 30 tanks against 6 thousand Russian, what is it? And 20 long -range missiles is enough? Weapons were supplied, but not in quantity that will allow a military breakthrough and release the territory, " - summarized the analyst. Recall that December 12, the American Institute of War Study noted the activity of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the East, in particular in Bakhmut and Avdiivka. Ukraine on one of the heaps next to Gorlovka.