Cash and Food: NYT learned how many Putin paid for the weapons and DPRK soldiers
Journalists said that North Korea has earned up to $ 5. 5 billion on agreements with Russia on the supply of weapons. And the DPRK can receive up to $ 572 million annually by deploying troops, which is a huge amount by the standards of this country, since its official exports last year amounted to only $ 330 million.
Instead, North Korea, in addition to 11,000 soldiers, gave Russia weapons of 20,000 marine containers, including: "Active export of weapons to Russia enlivens the North Korean ammunition industry," the article reads. At the same time, neither Russia nor North Korea revealed how Moscow paid the DPRK. Journalists also emphasized that the DPRK soldiers gain invaluable combat experience on the battlefield, including the use of drones that change modern war.
"The war against Ukraine gives North Korea the first opportunity to test its latest ballistic missiles KN-23 and KN-24 against Western air defense systems in real combat," the article emphasized. We will remind, on December 16 Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that the Russian Federation is trying to hide the losses among the DPRK fighters and literally burn their faces.