
From a nuclear bomb to war in Ukraine: Netflix was created with Zelensky (video)

Netflix will show a documentary that will show the path from the first nuclear trials to the current situation when the Russian Federation has attacked Ukraine and blackmail the world with a nuclear threat. Western documents traced the connection between the Cold War, the tests of the atomic bomb, political changes in the world and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

At some point, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will appeal to the audience, who will tell about a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation. An announcement of a movie called Turning Point: The Bomb and The Cold War appeared on Netflix portal. The name of the documentary is translated as "Twist: Atomic Bomb and Cold War" and made it directed by Brian Nappenberger, wrote on Netflix.

The film consists of nine series and will trace the course of events from the first years of the Cold War to the present. What amount was spent on shooting is not indicated. The announcement can be seen with what political figures of the present and the past the authors of the film spoke.

Among them is President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Estonia Kai Callas, former CIA Director Robert Gates, former US Secretary of State Condolization Rice. They also gave a word to public activists: for example, the Germans Julius and Etel Rosenbergam, involved in the destruction of the Berlin Wall, and American Daniel Ellsberg, who considered the US nuclear plans "madness".

In the trailer there are footage with nuclear explosions, performances of Western politicians, Russian tanks in Czechoslovakia, the destruction of the Berlin wall, the collapse of the USSR. There are also burning staff of both Ukrainian squares and a brief speech by President Zelensky. They show Russian President Vladimir Putin, but there are no comments on the Russian or his supporters in the film.

Netflix points out that 100 interviews have been made in total, which should show that "lessons that we thought were learned but not learned. " "The global consequences of the Cold War continue to worry about the current geopolitical landscape to this day, but it is difficult to understand how the struggle of the mid-20th century with ideological dominance continues to draw innumerable countries in continuous unrest," the announcement reads in Netflix.

Brian Knappenberger is a director who made the films "Internet-Boopek: Aaron Schwartz's History", "Our Name-Legion: Hadium Harvest", "Twist: September 11th and War with Terrorism". Earlier, focus wrote about other films that tell about the invasion of the Russian Federation. For example, director Mstislav Chernov created the movie "20 days in Mariupol".

In the film, the fighting and destruction of the city are shown by the Russians thanks to videos from Ukrainians who tried to escape from the surrounding city. The director received the BAFTA Award for this movie. Another movie - "Peaceful People" - created by Oksana Karpovich on the basis of intercepted conversations of Russian invaders. One of the audience who saw him said that after watching him in one of the Western European halls, everyone was silent for some time and then applauded.

Meanwhile, the media tell about the attempts of some politicians to make Ukraine to make concessions of the Russian Federation. Among the reasons are the fears of further escalation, as well as the lack of weapons from partners from the West. At the same time, US intelligence has reported an attempt to launch nuclear weapons satellites into space, which can be a threat to communication satellites. The US government assured that he was monitoring the development of the situation.

The US Navy Admiral warned another threat: Russian submarines and surface ships can damage the Internet connection cables that are laid on the oceanic day. In addition, from time to time former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatens the nuclear blow of Kiev, London and Washington. On February 17, Focus spoke about a special information campaign, which the Russian Federation began to implement in the Western world.