
Western press panic and offers Putin's "Man of the Year": what is the danger for Ukraine

Western journalists need to talk about Putin's activation and the risks to the EU, not to accelerate panic, says political scientist Vladimir Fesenko. Including in the title of "Man of the Year" according to the respected Time magazine means nothing in its essence, but testifies to the peculiar approach of journalists of the publication, which is probably an important fact , did he bring grief. Political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko said this in an interview with Focus.

According to the political scientist, Time does not first put forward such odious figures on the cover, because at one time the editorial board of the magazine also recognized Hitler as "the man of the year". And Putin himself did not receive such recognition from the editorial board for the first time. "I am not sure that Putin will be noticed this time, because the situation is not like that," says Vladimir Fesenko.

"But the mere fact of inclusion of his person in the list of candidates, which other colleagues of journalists of leading publications drew attention to, is, of course, unacceptable and unacceptable. wrong. " The wrong, according to the expert, is a peculiar tone of discussion in some political and journalistic circles of the event in the style of "everything is gone".

This is noticeable according to the headlines of the foreign press and analytical materials, which impose the idea of ​​readers that Putin is pressing and starting to win. But he has not yet won, Fesenko emphasizes, because the problems in the West and the lack of resources we have problems, but they can be solved and that does not mean that Putin has already won the war.

On the other hand, such panic headings can, of course, be a tool of journalists, which allows to draw the attention of their political elites to a difficult situation. But such journalists forget, says the political scientist that "good intentions leads to hell. " According to Volodymyr Fesenko, in such a situation it is worth talking about the risks and challenges of Putin, about its activation in the reconstruction of the economy into military rails, about the poor work of sanctions and so on.

And, before itself, such journalistic materials are needed for Europeans for a sober inspection, and not for the sake of panic conclusions, the political scientist notes. "Some confusion of the event has understood a lot there," emphasizes Vladimir Fesenko. "It is interesting that we have almost no confusion, and there is a political conflict that hinders in many respects. " The full release of the conversation with Vladimir Fesenko will soon be published on the Focus YouTube channel.