
The Russian Federation will receive a device that will help to track Ukrainian drones - ath (photo)

The Kremlin decided to spend 5. 5 million rubles. to update the device that tracks overwater and coastal goals. After that, the development will be introduced at the Yaroslavsky Shipyard. The Russian "Scientific and Production Complex" Start "(NPC" Start ") creates for the Fleet of the Russian Federation an updated device" UV-450-01 ", intended for protection against drones.

The device can help the military of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation detect and neutralize threatening objects on the water and on land. About the new device was told in the Telegram-channel of the guerrilla movement on the Crimean Peninsula "Atesh". The post indicates that the guerrillas have obtained documentation on the "UV-450-01" device, which is installed on warships . Its main purpose is to observe the goals and targets for a shot.

Starting NPC engineers, which he will engage in, specializes in developments that improve "situational awareness" and "possibility of detecting surface and shore objects". The guerrillas have published eight pages of documentation On "UV-450-01". On the first page-information that the NPC "Start" will be engaged in the improvement of "small-sized vizier of surveillance".

The customer-JSC "Zelenodolsk Design and Project Bureau" (under sanctions of Ukraine, or is under other sanctions - previously indicated on the NAPC portal). They plan to pay 5. 5 million rubles for work. ($ 42 thousand). There is also a list that calculates the budget for the development and implementation of updated equipment. The resulting development came to the Yaroslav Shipyard. The plant must install an updated product on ships that builds on the request of the Russian army.

Also in the analysis of the device was involved "Nevskoye design bureau",-the documents obtained by "Atesh" testify. It should be noted that during the two years the invasion of the Russian Federation has lost a third of the Black Sea Fleet, which has collected in bays in the occupied Crimea, - the calculations of analysts show. They used both different types of rockets ("Neptune", Storm Shadow) and surface drones.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian intelligence said that the strikes of six Russian ships were struck by the Magura V5 sea drones. One of the last blows is "Ivan Hurs": he was tracked for about a year to be sinking in March 2024. To go to the bottom, both the UAVs and the missiles were needed. In early February 2024, Ivanovets ship was seriously damaged, which was near Donuzlav Bay. In the video published by GUR, you can see how several devices kissed it.