
Putin's heirs: How do the secret sons of the Russian president live live

The sons of Vladimir Putin from Alina Kabaeva's gymnast lead an isolated lifestyle under 24 -hour security. And they rarely see parents. Vladimir Putin successfully hid the existence of her daughters: Kateryna Tikhonova and Maria Vorontsova for many years. He also hid the fact that he has children from the Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva. For the disclosure of the novel with a 2008 gymnast, the Moscow Correspondent newspaper was closed.

But after a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, all the secret became explicit and now journalists of the Dossier Center found out where the sons of Putin and the "most disgusting woman of Russia" lived. " It is known that their name is Ivan and Vladimir, Vladimir, Jr. . They spent their childhood in Switzerland, where Kabayev lived in a remote villa by 2022. Most likely, she has four children, except Vani and Vova, in Kabaeva, according to Western media, twin girls were born.

After a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, Alina Kabayeva and her children returned to Russia. And they rarely appeared in public. They have never been called Putin's sons. In 2023 at the Festival of Artistic Gymnastics "Alina-2023". Alina spoke to the audience, and a boy was followed from the hall, who was later identified as John. The younger, Vova, has not yet appeared with his mother in public.

They cannot be found in state databases, they have a cover documents, which are mostly made for scouts and people under government protection. Their exact date of birth is unknown. They move on individual aircraft, study at home and are guarded around the clock. Ivan and Vladimir Jr. live in residences under the protection of FSOs, go on yachts and go at an armored train, almost do not communicate with peers and rarely see their father.

The Dossier Source works in the family of Vladimir Putin and often sees his sons. He agreed to communicate with journalists on the conditions of anonymity. For the first time, Putin was reported by Sonntagszeitung's younger children. In May 2022, the publication wrote that Putin and Kabayeva had two children, for the first time indicating that with the pregnancy of the Olympic champion, Swiss gynecologist was a native of Russia.

Their existence was carefully hidden, as was the presence of two older daughters from the Russian president from the first wife of Lyudmila Shkrebova. Maria Vorontsov and Kateryna Tikhonov have never been mentioned by her father. Speaking of daughters, Putin called them "women", and the details of their lives became known through the origins of documents and the work of journalists. But rumors about Putin's secret novel and Kabaeva gymnasts were still seeping in the media.

In 2008, Moscow Correspondent reported that the wedding of Alina Kabayeva and Vladimir Putin was underway in St. Petersburg. "Putin has been divorced and free from family ties for two months," the media wrote, citing a source. "I have always been bad for those who, with some fluid nose and with my erotic fantasies, climbs into another's life," Putin reacted. Soon the newspaper was closed.

Kabaeva herself has only hinted at a relationship with the Russian president, but since 2011 she has not hidden a wedding ring, and her family suddenly became very rich, receiving from Putin's friends a lot of expensive real estate as a gift. In 2014, Kabaeva traveled three times from Sochi to Lugano.

On the last trip, in October, she was accompanied by Mom Lyubov Kabayev, girlfriends - the wife of the founder of the LSR group Elizabeth Molchanov and the wife of businessman Vitaliy Mishchitsky Elena Grinevich, as well as the entrepreneur himself. Together with them was Natalia Tiebo - the same gynecologist from the Sant'anna Swiss Clinic, located in Lugano. In this hospital in the spring of 2015, Kabaeva gave birth to a son. The second son was born in Moscow in 2019.

Natalia Tiebo - the wife of a Swiss citizen and went to Europe about 30 years ago, but continued to be friends with Putin. Natalia Tiebo died on February 24, 2023. The report on the farewell published by her partner, lawyer George Grandini, said that Tiebo was born in 1959, her maiden name Kondratiev, she lived in St. Petersburg. Both the decision on where the birth will take place, Putin himself made, says a businessman who worked with one of the friends of the Head of State.

In 2015, the Russian president believed that Switzerland was more secret and safe, in 2019-Moscow. It is noteworthy, but the staff for Vani and Vova were selected openly through the English Nanny. The announcement mentioned that "the family lives in isolation. " At the beginning of 2024, the family was looking for an English teacher with a residence for two boys - four and eight years old. Work - five days a week, in total 60 hours. Duties include "training other subjects" and support on trips.

Salary - 7700 euros per month. The agency clarifies that it has been working with this family for a long time and has already found several English and German teachers for her. From the usual hiring reports on English Nanny, this ad was distinguished by interesting details: the ad is constantly reappearing. It is not easy for teachers to understand the pupils, and after a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, those who wanted to work in Russian foreigners have become much less.

South Africa is perceived as a friendly country for Russia, so governors prefer to look here. Interestingly, a thorough medical examination and two weeks of quarantine are held in Putin's well -known residences: at the Igor resort in the Leningrad region or immediately in residences at Valdai or Sochi. The anonymous source reports that Vladimir Jr. and Ivan live in complete isolation, love Disney cartoons and computer games. They are surrounded by security and staff.

They see peers (carefully selected) on holidays. Mother - evenings, father - almost never. Both in Valdai and on trips, children and staff live nearby. Sons - in the main house together with parents, governers and trainers - in separate buildings, special buildings are given for classes, all these objects are located in step accessibility. The brothers have their own cars with drivers, teachers and servants have separate cars.

Moreover, in Valda, part of the employees is forbidden to walk the territory, all movements - only on transport. Children are brought to teachers and nannies at 8-9 am, they all have breakfast together. A few years ago, only nannies were taken care of by the younger child, but now they are being picked up by governors. Four nannies, some of them were previously cleaners at the Valdai residence and live in a settlement nearby.

They worked for two weeks, and this time lived with their family, then went home, and they were replaced by two other nannies. During the day, the change is 12 hours. After breakfast-classes for 30-45 minutes, then games. Children on Valdai have two ponies, rabbits and St. Bernard, who care for two FSOs. Among the toys a large -scale collection of LEGO and iPad designers - not only for games, but also for video classes.

Near after noon, children eat, then daytime sleep, and after waking up - classes and sports. After 8 pm, the children take away the drivers, and they go to bed almost immediately. Among the protection of Putin's sons is the guardian of the Russian dictator Vitaliy Kemenov. However, the source states that when Putin is not near the children, even those who have not presented documents and do not take mobile are passed into the territory.

More often than others, Vanya and Vova communicate with children Alina Kabayeva's friends. Sometimes in the residence there is President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. Sometimes Putin plays with his eldest son in hockey (for this purpose a hockey playground was built on Valdai). Training is without the president, and then they take one of the staff. But if a game with the participation of the head of state is planned, only the father, Ivan and FSO staff come to the ice. Putins - in one team.

Sometimes Kabayev comes to look at the match, but it is not visible from the playground, it avoids servants and monitors a separate bed hidden behind the opaque glass. The residence also has the sister of the Olympic Champion Leissan Kabayev and their mother Lyubov Kabayev. Putin has an armored train and a whole flotilla of expensive yachts. But the movement of Alina Kabaeva can not always be tracked by state bases.

Most of Putin's vessels have been transmitted into silence in recent years and off the equipment (AIS). The Convention for the Protection of Human Life at the Sea, the first version of which was approved after the Titanic accident, orders that such devices should always work unless the captain assumes that information about coordinates threatens security. But AIS does not work on Putin's yachts for secrecy.

But on August 8, 2023, one of the vessels, a 32-meter yacht of NEGA, suddenly disturbed silence, probably because of the mistakes of the crew when she walked the river Svir from Ladoga Lake to Onezke. Then AIS also turned off unexpectedly. In the summer of 2023, NEGA accompanied the 84-meter yacht Graceful, on board Kabayev and two of her children, says the interlocutor "Dossier". In total, three vessels were allocated for them.

Graceful - the most on board the athlete with the children, on board the second yacht, Putin's sons were classified with teachers. The third yacht is the smallest, only staff was placed on it. The vessels were kept away from each other so as not to attract attention, but at the same time were close enough so that the children could be transported from one ship to another with a small boat. At the end of July 2023, this flotilla traveled to the Gulf and Ladoga Lake.

It is known that earlier all summer Kabaeva with children traveled by seas and oceans, but after a full -scale invasion of the routes decreased to the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition to yachts and armored train, there are several aircraft and helicopters in the family. The same source reported that with the advent of the sons, Vladimir Putin had a vulnerability.