
"Golden Vial": In the China created a device that masks a rocket under a passenger plane

The Eelectronic War has become more difficult than ever: any radar can now be deceived by issuing a missile for Boeing 737. Chinese scientists from Northwestern Polytechnic University in Sian claim that they have developed a device called "Golden Val", capable of deceiving air defense, forcing them to think that a rocket is a commercial plane, South China Morning Post writes. "According to scientists, their device can make the radar display not a winged rocket on screen, but a passenger plane.

" Golden veil "is able to change the face of war," they say, "the media says. inexpensive, and still knocks off expensive air defense systems. This will help significantly reduce the time required by military command to respond. "Vial" was developed within the program to strengthen the Chinese air defense systems, in particular on Guama. It is made of thin filaments. like a spider web covered with gold. Due to its complex web geometry can reflect radar signals.

Laboratory tests have shown that the device increases the radar cross -section of the flying target from 1 to 30 decibels per square meter. by plane, such as "Boeing 737" or "Aerobus A320", while viewing at certain angles. Radar reflectors are already used by the United States on some of its missiles, such as ADM-160 Mald to seem to be aircraft on the screens of radars, "-wrote authors.

Military invisible aircraft, such as F-22 fighter and B2 bomber, also have at their disposal Removable reflectors are Lyneburg lenses that make them invisible to civilian air traffic control and hide a real radar signature. New equipment and electronic opposition tools come into service at unprecedented speed. They change the face of war, "the researchers commented. " Golden veil "from similar technologies of radar reflection is distinguished all over the flight.