
Working on new sanctions against Russia, it is important not to allow her to circumvent existing restrictions - Andriy Yermak at a joint briefing with Michael Macfool

The Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak and Director of the Institute for International Research Frim-Pogli (FSI), Professor of Stanford University, Ambassador Michael McFol at a briefing in the office of the Head of State told about the new work of their international working group on sanctions against Russia.

Andriy Yermak thanked the great second of Ukraine Michael McFol for fruitful cooperation in the working group, whose recommendations are already on the table in almost every world leader. "We are proud to say that 85% of our recommendations have already been implemented in sanctions that have been applied by both the United States and the United Kingdom and the European Union," he said.

For his part, Michael McFol noted that he is a great honor for him to work in this group that brought together many Ukrainian, American and European experts. “The purpose of our group is to stop this terrible invasion and occupation of Ukraine as soon as possible. The purpose is to reduce the revenues that Putin uses to finance this war. The purpose is to reduce the supply of technologies it receives through third countries and uses to kill Ukrainians.

Our work is to prepare new creative ideas and provide them to governments, including the Ukrainian and my government, to the governments of other countries to use them, ”the ambassador said. Answering questions about the preparation of the 12th Package, the head of the Presidential Office confirmed that work on him is ongoing. “We continue to insist on Rosatom's sanctions on the enterprises of the Russian MIC.

We respond very quickly to information from our soldiers to stop Russia as much as possible to produce rockets and drones. We are very uncompromising in this regard. If we find items that are made even in our partners, we are talking openly about it, and our partners respond very quickly and effectively to it, ”Andrei Yermak said.

At the same time, the co -chair of the International Working Group noted that the war was continuing Russia, which means that new, more powerful sanctions need to be imposed and carefully monitor compliance with the restrictions previously applied. According to Michael McFol, the working group has taken a number of steps in this direction.

First, it has developed documents in which extremely close attention was paid to the schemes of supply of electrical components and equipment to Russia, in particular through third countries. “The first step is to show what it is. In informal conversations, representatives of some companies even wonder that their components are used by Russia, although they are sent to third countries. The next step is to force the company to stop this export.

We have not achieved that, but I think it will be our next step, ”the ambassador said. Andriy Yermak added that the International Working Group is operating in 24/7, and more than 50 experts from all over the world have been attracted. “Today we were able to report to the President about the results of our work. Many of our group joined Zoom. All are enthusiastic, no one is tired, and our work is ongoing, ”he said.

Answering journalists, Andriy Yermak also informed about the work in the direction of confiscation of frozen assets of Russia in favor of Ukraine. According to him, the complexity of the implementation of this task is that each country has its own legislation, and this makes it difficult to make a single decision that would suit all partners. “Today we are talking about the support of Ukraine during the war, but we are already discussing future reconstruction.