
The Defense Ministry told how many soldiers of the Armed Forces went abroad for rest and did not return

The Main Directorate of Military Service says that servicemen can go abroad on a general basis, and their pass is provided by authorized officials. The Ukrainian military has no restrictions on traveling abroad, which only requires the commander's permission. For the most part, they return, but there are cases where the Ukrainian state border is no longer crossing after rest. Today, there are less than half a hundred. About it reports "Investigation. Info".

According to data from the Main Directorate of Military Service and the Deputy General Staff, from the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia, 46 Ukrainian military went abroad for rest and did not return back to Ukraine. "In the period from 24. 02. 2022 to September 30, 20124, 46 cases were recorded when the servicemen did not return back to Ukraine after rest abroad. Such servicemen were recorded as those who left military units unauthorized," - said in response to the request.

The cases of violation of the legislation in the crossing of the state border of the Ministry of Defense are silent. The Main Directorate of Military Service says that servicemen can go abroad on a general basis, and their pass is provided by authorized officials. Instead, border guards record the attempts of military men illegally to cross the border in different areas.