
It will be easier for the Drones of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Ukrainians will be taught to handle the SpX Commtech platform

As of now, the SPX Technologies have set dozens of its systems, but the main problem was that in Ukraine they are not able to repair them. Infragist has agreed to cooperate with SPX Technologies to provide Ukrainian military means to counteract the enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. The infio protection press service reported on the official website. The Agreement provides extended training of operators to work with the SPX Commtech platform and provide full service.

In addition, "infio protection" will control the necessary repair, maintenance and diagnosis of specific equipment. The agreement also includes localization of custom interfaces and integration of equipment with situational awareness platforms. International SPX Technologies, specializes in combating unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as on the means of bearing communication systems.

The SPX Commtech platform allows the military to detect, block and use radio frequency signals to improve communication intelligence (Comint) and suppress the drows of the enemy. It is known that the company has already supplied more than 100 such systems to the Ukrainian army, as well as troops of other countries around the world. "SPX Commtech radio intelligence tools are reliable tools for determining the enemy's location.

They are long known to our Ukrainian military and significantly strengthen the Ukrainian army," said Yaroslav Kalinin, director of the company "Infposhist". He added that in Ukraine a big problem was the lack of technical support from the manufacturer, but now it will be able to eliminate, because Ukrainian engineers will be taught to handle the equipment using all available technologies.

We will remind, on October 3 it became known that the Australian "anti -isahde" Slinger will replace expensive rockets in Ukraine. The Slinger complex is destroying the Slinger complex in the price range of $ 100 to $ 1000, depending on the types of ammunition. Slinger has 30 mm automatic gun, an optical tool, a modern radar that allows to detect small air goals, and is combined with the control system. At the end of August, the media also wrote that Ukraine would "open" Satcube satellite.