
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has increased the number of deaths of captives of the Armed Forces in the last 4 months - the Office of the Prosecutor General

As of March 2024, law enforcement agencies of Ukraine recorded 45 facts of prisoners of war, however, they understand that the execution is much more. From the first days of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Ukraine captures the facts of the death of Ukrainian fighters by Russian invaders. However, since the end of 2023, such cases have increased significantly.

This was stated by the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Head of the Department of Combating Crime Crime, Denis Lysenko on the air of the Tele scale on Thursday, March 7. According to him, the number of executed Ukrainian defenders has increased in the last four months. Lysenko reported that law enforcement agencies have documented 45 cases of prisoners of war. All these facts are investigated within 19 criminal proceedings.

"However, we all understand that these facts are really much more, and the number of such facts has increased especially since last November last year," said the Attorney General's office. At the same time, Lysenko informed about the "good results of work" on the investigation of the latest facts of murder by Russian military Ukrainian defenders in the Zaporozhye direction.

He hopes that this case will become known to the general public in the near future, and all the guilty will stand before the court. We will remind, the Office of the High Commissioner of the UN for Human Rights confirmed the authenticity of a video where Russian invaders executed the Ukrainian captive after the words "Glory to Ukraine!". The shots with the execution of Alexander Matsievsky were on the network on March 6, 2023. On December 6, 2023, a monument was opened in Kyiv Matsievsky.