
The Ministry of Internal Affairs were wounded: the Armed Forces were taken to Himars to the Police Department in Skadovsk (photo)

As a result of the impact of a high -mobile Armed Forces reactive installation in occupied Skadovsk, two police officers of the "police" were injured. At the same time the chairman of the occupation administration silenced damage to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. As a result of the attack of Himars missiles on the occupation administration building in Skadovsk in the Kherson region, 11 representatives of the Russian authorities were injured.

At the same time, they officially assured that they had hit a private house and caused harm to three persons. The details of the HIMARS strike, which occurred on May 18, was told at Astra Telegram. The post, published on May 22, explains that the consequences of the attack that took place on Saturday on May 18. At 9:30 am, the head of the occupation administration of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, reported a rocket strike, which allegedly suffered a private home.

He did not tell other details of the emergency event. Two hours later the attack was told in Roszma TASS. Russian journalists, with reference to the Salda press service, reported that the Himars RSSV was hit. Three people were injured, the post is reported. Meanwhile, Astra told new attack details on May 18.

According to data obtained from their own unnamed sources, the shells exploded five meters from the building where the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is located. Windows and doors are knocked out in the building, offices were damaged. It was affected four times more than the balance: not three, but 11. The post is called the names and positions of police officers who were hit by HIMARS.

Among them are two lieutenant colonels (Pavel Tereshchenko and Lyudmila Lazarenko), three senior lieutenants, two sergeants, four younger sergeants. The reports of the affected "police" authors Astra illustrate a photo of three people. Two women are probably Lyudmila Lazarenko and the younger sergeant Taisiya Esipenko. What a man-representative of the invaders holds the phone with the inscription "Work, Mother!", Is not indicated.

The distance from Skadovsk to the territory controlled by Ukraine - about 60 km. The General Staff of the Armed Forces in the report of May 19 indicates that the Ukrainian military inflicts significant losses, but there are no information about the details of the blows and for what purpose - there is no information. Earlier, the focus talked about the successful development of the HIMARS of the Armed Forces.

For example, in early May, footage of rockets on the starting installations of the C-300 Armed Forces, which were based on the occupied part of the Zaporozhye region, appeared on the network. The incident occurred in February 2023. Air lesions have undermined two machines and anti -aircraft missiles, wrote in the media.