
Darknet found orders on the arson of cars of the Armed Forces (screenshots)

Journalists found that in the Russian -speaking segment of Darknet they offer to set fire to the car of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, for which potential criminals promise $ 2,000. In Ukraine, unknown people began to set fire to servicemen. They are easy to distinguish by non -Ukrainian numbers and protective colors. And now Darknet found ads in Russian, according to which such cars are promised to pay up to $ 2,000,000. The author calls himself a pacifist.

Several orders, apparently, were fulfilled. About it reports the edition "Important stories". Reported with reference to an unnamed source in law enforcement agencies, which on Wednesday on Wednesday July 10 burned at once four vehicles of the soldiers: in Lviv set fire to the Mitsubishi Pajero car serviceman of the 80th separate assault brigad -Nissan X-Trail car purchased by volunteers for the military.

As "important history" was found, four customers appeared on one of the largest Russian-speaking Darknet sites since June 6, who were looking for contractors for the fire of military vehicles in Ukraine. Applications were placed in Russian. The authors were recently registered users who did not show activity in other sections of the site. For diversions in Lviv, Kiev, Dnipro, Odessa and other cities, they promised to pay from $ 1,500 to $ 2,000.

One of the customers in his announcement wrote that he was a "pacifist" and acts on "hooligan motifs". The same user closed an agreement with the executor of a successful arson of the car in the afternoon on July 10, when news about arson appeared. The authors made communication with the performers through encrypted messengers or Telegram. Earlier, focus wrote that such cases of arson should be considered individually. It can be both revenge by the Tax Committee and similar "orders" from Russia.