
Acoustic Weapons of the Russian Federation: Investigators have proven the game with "Havana syndrome" - The Insider

Investigators found a group of eight Russian GRU agents who were near American diplomats in Frankfurt. After that, people felt a number of symptoms of "Havana syndrome". The main reconnaissance department of the Ministry of Defense of Russia sent a group of agents to the country, where the US diplomats later revealed "Havanic syndrome". The victims were recognized by Russian agents. In addition, certain documents testify to the development of acoustic weapons.

The evidence of the crime of the game was found by a team of investigators, told the portal The Insider. The portal journalists conducted an investigation, which was joined by two more editions - 60 minutes and Der Spiegel. Together, they have found out how the game agents have brought to the disability of American diplomats since 2014. This is evidenced by the movement of special group members 29155 and documents related to the so -called "acoustic weapon".

"Havana syndrome" is a set of symptoms that have found a number of US embassies (for the first time in Havana). In particular, they felt dizziness, disorientation, panic and nausea, strange sounds. Symptoms appeared suddenly, and the consequences remained for a long time: "Full consciousness, concentration problems, loss of equilibrium on a level place, hyperacusia (sensitivity to sounds), problems with sleep", - the investigation reads.

Investigators found out whether the game agents appeared near the victim diplomats. Previous investigations have shown that agents are not moved under their names, but they look like. For example, they come in a group, rent a car, come to the country and the city where they plan to act. With the listed landmarks, there were four cases where Russian agents traveled in Europe and Asia. Among them were two people who were already appeared in Russian crimes.

In particular - agents "Petrov" and "Boshirov". These men became known after the poisoning of the Skripal family in London: they, as tourists, were in Salisbury and "admired" a spire of the local cathedral. However, in 2014, the same people, as well as a group of other members of unit 29155, arrived in Frankfurt. After this visit, Havanic Syndrome was manifested by the Embassy's staff. He was headed by a group of Russian agents Yegor Gordienko, - the investigators said.

His face was recognized by one of the victims, who stated that when she looked at her well -being had worsened. The text of the investigation provides other trips of the game agents: to China, in Tbilisi, in Dushanbe, Belgrade. At the same time, they found out that one of the agents was the son of Andrei Averyanov, the head of the military unit 29155 - a Russian who was featured in other crimes of Russian intelligence.

It should be noted that Focus wrote about these cases: General Averianov is involved, for example, in the blasting of armed warehouses in the Czech Republic and sabotage in other EU countries. The Insider gave an explanation of scientists as to whether it is possible to create a so -called "acoustic weapon" and how it can act if exists. Scientists have explained that microwave or acoustic impulse can really damage neurons and nerve cell myelin.

At the same time, people may accumulate the negative effects of prolonged exposure to such impulses. The symptoms include the feelings that the US embassies had. A set of symptoms that occur with a similar microwave, similar to the symptoms of Minor syndrome, - the journalists said. At the same time, this syndrome was specially explored in Group-at the Kirov Military Medical Academy.

Professor Sergei Chepur, who in turn, is General Averyanov's consultant, works at this Academy, - the investigation reads. He also managed to go to a person involved in the development of "acoustic weapons". In particular, they received a set of documents that include a citizen of the Russian Federation, GRU staff and engineer Ivan Terentyev. As it turned out, among his work - "potential opportunities of non -lethal acoustic weapon in military (combat) actions in the city.

" Journalists summed up that they have collected data that testify to the connection of GRU agents with attacks on American diplomats. They explained that the purpose of such attacks that did not lead to death, but only to injury - to influence the employees of the embassies so that they do not want to deal with Russian issues. It should be noted that Petrov and Boshirov agents were appeared in other investigations.

In particular, these GRU staff were involved in the organization of attempts on President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky - is told in the Bellingcat investigation. In addition, they appeared in the Czech Republic shortly before they exploded with shells. We remind that the Russian Federation continues to accuse Ukraine of a terrorist attack in the City Hall City Hall concert hall. The Investigative Committee published a statement in which Ukrainian special services are accused of the event.