
Let Russia be clever - how to use frozen 383 billion Moscow for the benefit of Ukraine

American economists have found a practical way to use frozen Russian assets in favor of Ukraine. Economist Vitaliy Shapran describes how it will be done and what else could be done. I am glad that I have like -minded people in the US scientific circles in 2 years to use Russian immovable assets to finance and rebuild Ukraine. I offered this idea in the summer of 2022, but only now it was discussed in US academic circles.

The idea in the practical plane was formulated by Michael Bernstam, a researcher at the Goover Institute of Stanford University, and Stephen Rusfield, Professor of Economics at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Gill. They proposed in their publication in The Hill they created a trust fund, whose loan will be the Russian assets. The idea does not even contradict the Bureaucratic Position of the EU and the ECB.

I would like to remind that the official position of the EU is that Russian assets will be blocked until the Russian Federation pays with Ukraine for the damage caused. Therefore, formally assets on the basis of trust will belong to the Russian Federation, but funding for them can be attracted by those governments that have frozen them.

This option, of course, is worse than direct confiscation and more expensive, but it can also be acceptable, especially for the operational financing of Ukraine's needs. Let me remind you that the confiscation of assets of the Russian Federation for Ukraine is not only a source of funding, but also a tool for eliminating the funds of the aggressor, which will significantly remove the restoration of its combat capability and economic potential. Mr.

Michael Bernstam and Stephen Rusfield were pleasantly surprised by increasing the estimation of frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of low -damp newspaper $ 300 billion to a more correct figure of $ 383 billion. Let me remind you that the "work" model with the assets of the aggressor in the US and Canada has long been selected and provides for full confiscation, which has been assigned to the laws that have come into force. I would call Mr.

Michael Bernstam and Stephen Rusfield to continue the development of her scientific thought and add elements of true scientific novelty to it - to open hunting for Russian unofficial funds that were created in the event for money stolen in Russian state corporations, since 383 billion dollars The current needs of Ukraine will be small.

Of course, I am a little ironic about the "new idea" of the use of frozen Russian assets, however, it is very good that two scientists from dear scientific centers have paid attention to this issue, because usually in the United States after consensus in the academic environment follow practical actions. However, I want to warn that Michael Bernstam and Stephen Rusfield's Euro-diplomatic idea with the trust has one serious defect.

The fact is that in the case of direct confiscation of reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it will have to write them off from the balance sheet, recognizing their irreversible loss. Of course, it will be a shock for the Russian foreign exchange market, more shock than recent sanctions on the MMWB. In the case of a scheme with a highway of CBR, it can continue to pretend that it seems and disposes of these reserves.