
Under the dwelling house a secret bunker was found in case of nuclear war (photo)

The existence of such objects is still reminiscent of the Cold War, when fear of nuclear apocalypse prevailed around the world. A well-masked bunker of the 1960s was found in the London residential area Sentral Estate. This secret storage was built in the event of a nuclear war between the USSR and the United Kingdom. About it writes Daily Star. It is reported that the 18-room underground complex is located under the modest Pear Tree building in Norwood (in the south of London).

It was built in 1966 for government officials to escape after a possible nuclear strike. The hopper is equipped with anti -radiation protection and autonomous life support system. There is a dining room, bathrooms and even a scientific laboratory for radiation monitoring. The idea was that politicians and scientists were able to wait for the end of nuclear attack and then organize rescue work and restore public administration in the country.

Later, Pear Tree became a target for anti-nuclear groups, such as "Nuclear Disarmament Campaign", and since the 1990s this premises have been used as an emergency center in local fire and civil defense. The existence of such objects is still reminiscent of the Cold War, when fear of nuclear apocalypse prevailed around the world. Earlier, Focus wrote that the fear of nuclear destruction during the Cold War forced the leadership of Denmark to build a secret bunker.

He had to become their last bastion in the event that humanity plunged into absolute chaos. Regan West, located in the middle of the Rold Forest (about 400 kilometers northwest of Copenhagen), was built between 1963 and 1968 at NATO's request. Inside everything is necessary for living about 350 people within 30 days.