
Four Russian military aircraft violated Finland airspace

The border guards have already stated that the weather was clear. And border disturbance cannot be explained by poor visibility. Russia has posted a video that is likely to see how the Finnish fighter "Hornet" recognizes Russian planes over the Gulf of Finnish. According to military expert Marco Eklund, the video was probably recorded by the incident that occurred on Monday, June 10. According to the Border Service, four Russian planes are suspected of violating Finland airspace on Monday.

Earlier it was reported one. Yle writes about it. Border violations occurred in the seaside area of ​​Luvisa. According to the border service, the planes flew 2. 5 kilometers on the Finnish side at the deepest point. According to the border service, a division of four aircraft, which consisted of two bombers and two fighter jets, is suspected of violation of the territory.

The preliminary violation of the territory by Russian aviation took place in August 2022, when two Russian fighters flew into the Finland airspace in the Gulf of Finnish. According to the leader of the investigation of the senior lieutenant Anti Leskel, the fact that the group also had bombers is not something special in terms of the investigation.

But the military noted that the weather at the time of the intended violation of the territory was clear, so it would not work to explain the border's violation of the border. "Of course, such cases always happen, but it is necessary to proceed from the fact that pilots are still professionals in general. They manage their equipment themselves through navigation and movement, so pilots usually know where they are moving," says Leskel.

The incident was commented by the head of the Border Service General Pasi Kostamovar. "I think it is extremely important that Finland's airspace is constantly, comprehensively and effectively controlled," the general says. The Border Service uses information obtained from the Air Force in the investigation. In more detail, they find out, for example, the aircraft route. The investigation usually takes one or two weeks.