
The occupiers are 6 times more collected by FPV-oules, but with others they have problems-Yevgeny Wild (Video)

Civil drones and components to them are not a sub-goods, so anyone can buy them in China, notes the ATO veteran. The Russians really make up FPV (with a first person) 6 times more than Ukrainians and several times twice this data for propaganda media. In an interview with focus, the military expert and veteran of the ATO Yevgeny Wild told. In this matter, the occupiers really have a serious breakthrough, says Eugene, but the first to use civilian drones with combat stuffing were the Armed Forces.

However, the aggressor quickly took over this practice and also began to buy massively, with the same Aliexpress as well as our military or volunteers, and still multiplied it by conveyor production. The expert notes that civilian drones and access to them are not a sub-goods, so anyone can buy them in China in the right volume. The only military component in such drones-Kamikadze is an explosion of various modifications that is full of Russians that we have.

But with tanks and shells it is not possible for the invaders, - says the veteran of the ATO. - It is impossible to replace some components from taking them from the civilian market, so the aggressor largely has to be fired with the production of tanks, shells and guns they have interruptions. As for blocked assistance in the supply of 100 APCs by Bulgaria, according to the expert, the president of the country has long been known as a supporter of Russia and does not hide it.

Although these APCs would be superfluous for the Armed Forces, they would not radically change the situation, Eugene Dyky says. Bulgaria helps us in more critical things, - emphasizes the veteran. - This country saved us in the most difficult times, giving a large batch of shells for artillery, because they had the largest reserves of Soviet calibers.

According to Yevgeny Dyky, the assistance of Bulgaria with shells during the beginning of a large -scale invasion of Russia by our media was undervalued, because Bulgaria supplied us with ammunition very not honey. Ukraine in this aspect is saved by the fact that Bulgaria is a parliamentary democracy, and the president has no influential powers.