
In Russia, the chairman of the military administration of Kiev was wanted - Roszma (photo)

According to the Russian media, the former commander of the Land Forces of Ukraine was previously accused of shelling "DNR" and "LNR" due to which 180 people seemed to be injured. In Russia, Sergei Popko was announced on the federal wanted chairman of the Kyiv Military Administration. This was reported by the Russian media "Land". The publication notes that it is wanted under the Article of the Criminal Code, but in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs they do not specify what exactly.

Actually, from 2016 to 2019 Popko was commander of the Ukrainian Land Forces. According to Russian media, in August he was accused of "Crimes in the Donbass", namely shelling "DNR" and "LNR" from March 2016 to August 2019. It is noted that more than 180 people seemed to be affected by the commander's actions and 370 Donbass infrastructure infrastructure was damaged. In September, Russian law enforcement agencies wanted the search for Ukrainian generals Viktor Nikolyuk and General Mikhail Drapaty.

They are also accused of shelling of DNR and LNR. According to the Russian media, more than 150 people were injured as a result of their actions. In May, Russia was wanted by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ISS) of Karim Khan. It is likely that the reason for this decision was the issuance of the order of the order for the arrest of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. In addition, a few months later, in July, the Judge of the ISS Tomoko Akane was wanted.