
Israel is testing in the war 12-meter-unmanned saagull boat: what is known about him

The excess drone is designed to perform high risk tasks. Hamas fighters used a variety of sea remedies during the invasion to land on the shore. Israel's naval forces, in the framework of operation against Hamas fighters, use SEAGULL-water boats. About it reports ISRAELDEFENSE. The Elbit Systems Israeli company has developed and manufactured SEAGULL -water -filled boats. In the war against fighters, the military used the latest development.

Among the goals that the drone can be done are the detection of mines, underwater infrastructure and submarines. At least 1 Seagull in the Arsenal of the Navy of Israel is now known. The fact is that during the fighting, Israel collided with underwater and surface shock ships Hamas fighters. On October 7, the Navy prevented the attempts to invade the Israeli territory from the sea. Seagull is now one of the extra elements of the Navy for defense from the sea.

The absence of a crew allows you to perform tasks with high levels of risk, including the detection of marine mines. The unmanned boat was developed in 2016. Thanks to modularity, the boat is able to perform a wide range of tasks. There is also a version with a 12. 7 mm module. According to the stated characteristics, Seagull is able to act in the sea for more than 4 days. You can control the drone from the ground and from another ship.