
Climate change is threatened by Venice, the war - Kiev. UNESCO decides the fate of world spades

UNESCO, a specialized institution of the United Nations, which deals with the issues of education, science and culture, provides a list of the World Heritage - a collection that symbolizes the wealth of cultural and natural heritage around the world. More than 50 objects from all over the world seek to be on the List of the United Nations World Heritage, since a decisive meeting begins in Riyadh.

At the same time, some of the heritage objects, including Venice and Kiev, face the prospect of potential reduction of their status, Phys. org writes. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The annual session is dedicated to a vital task of updating this prestigious catalog.

The inclusion in this registry is very desirable for nations around the world, as it not only provides prestige, but also improves the prospects for tourism development and provides funding to preserve these invaluable objects. On the other hand, countries are strongly trying to prevent the removal from this list.

For example, Australia has made considerable efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef from potential exclusion because its government is unable to protect this natural miracle from double threat - climate change and tourism growth. The meeting in Saudi Arabia draws attention to several long -recognized objects, including Venice and Kiev, which threatens the status of "threat" preceding the possible withdrawal from the list.

Currently, the list has 1 157 objects, including 900 cultural, 218 natural and 39 mixed heritage objects. Six objects are now on the verge of "threat" ads, joining up to 55 objects that are already on the observation list. Venice fights the increase in water levels, which is associated with relentless climatic changes in combination with an excellent influx of tourists, according to Lazar Elung Asssoo, Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Department.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian monuments of Ukraine face destruction against the background of war with Russia, and their indefinite future hangs on the hair. This year, the list of contenders for inclusion in the World Heritage List has 53 objects, including those who have remained since last year when the meeting planned in Russia was canceled through hostilities.

This diverse assembly includes numerous little -known places, such as Kost Ker - a distant space located in the northern Jungle of Cambodia, where there are several archaeological treasures of the Khmer Empire. Turkey seeks recognition of its medieval mosques with characteristic wooden structures, while France is trying to provide the Maison Carrée (square house) in the Southwestern City of the World Heritage in the Southwestern City-a well-preserved ancient Roman temple.

Meanwhile, Tunisia seeks to list Jerba Island, but not because of his popularity as a tourist center, but because of his unique "cultural landscape". Inclusion in the List of Holy Heritage means "recognition" that the respective countries retain objects that are of great importance and are an integral part of the overall canvas of human development. This year's proposals indicate a noticeable shift towards memorial objects.

Rwanda has applied for four places honoring the memory of Tutsi genocide in the country. Argentina put forward a proposal for the place of honoring the memory of the victims of the military dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s. In parallel, France and Belgium offered places dedicated to the memory of the First World War.