
The Kiev Pharmacy Network for years bypass the ban on the sale of medicines from Russia - "Schemes" (video)

The drugs of the Russian Federation are sold by pre -order by phone and sent to the client by mail. The owners of the Elithpharm network are citizens of Azerbaijan Ashgin and Elvin Bagirov. The Network of Kyiv Pharmacies "Eliff", which operates in the capital for at least six years, despite the ban on both Russian and Western drugs produced specifically for the Russian Federation. "Schemes" learned about it.

In the course of the experiment, journalists purchased the Russian drug "Cortexin", which is produced by Heterfarm in the Moscow region, as well as atarax "Belgian company UCB Pharma Russian market. For the sale of Russian medicines in Ukraine, as well as Western drugs produced for the market of the aggressor country, the pharmacy can be deprived of licenses, and the owners are fined at least 1700 UAH. In the case of cooperation with Russian companies, violators even threaten up to 12 years.

"Schemes" found that the medicines produced in the West are sells online through Tabletki. ua price aggregator. At the time of material release, journalists did not answer why the service allows the sale of illegal drugs on their platform. The Russian medicines "Elʼfarm" are sold by pre -order by phone, and then mail is sent to the client.

The Executive Director of BF "Patients of Ukraine" Inna Ivanenko noted that medicines that find themselves illegally in Ukraine do not undergo quality control, so their use is risks. "How they were imported here, what suppliers they were brought here, whether the temperature regime for these medicines was preserved is all unknown. Therefore, it is dangerous to use them, in principle," - explained the expert.

The owners of the Elithfarm network are citizens of Azerbaijan who live in Kiev, brothers Ashgin and Elvin Bagirov. The latter denied the "schemes" that selling Russian medicines. According to the Schemes, the State Service on the questions of journalists on trade in illegal drugs reported that the controlling body received ten complaints from citizens from citizens, after which eight inspections were carried out.

During them, violations were found three times, which were reported by law enforcement officers and for which the owners were fined. Schemes turned to law enforcement officers to find out if they knew about the sale of illegal medicines at the Elithfarm pharmacy network. Subsequently, it was reported that the Bagheomen were searched, during which more than 50 drugs made, in particular, in Russia were seized.

The police opened criminal proceedings and reported that they stopped "sales of Russian -made medicines that were in the territory of Ukraine illegally. " However, as "schemes" found, even after searches and criminal cases, the Bagirov brothers continued to sell illegal medicines. Journalists again ordered the Russian drug "Cortexin". And the packaging of these medicines, according to journalists, was sent by mail to Elvin Bagirov.

Law enforcement officers did not declare any of the brothers, so they, as citizens of Azerbaijan, have no obstacles to departing from Ukraine during martial law, they are summarized by Scheme journalists. We will remind, in July 2023 the Security Service of Ukraine exposed in the Zhytomyr region a pharmacological company that sold medicines of the army of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian medicines were allegedly sent to foreign companies, and subsequently changed invoices.