
The Armed Forces support the degree and suffer losses: the Armed Forces Commander of Fighting in Kharkiv Region

According to the battalion commander Yuriy Fedorenko, the enemy tries to constantly press on Ukrainian defenders, ignoring their own big losses. The invaders use even chefs in the assault. Russian invaders continue to show activity in the Kharkiv region and now there are active fighting. Ukrainian defenders do everything to ensure that the enemy cannot bring their plans to life.

This was stated by the commander of the battalion of shock BPAC "Achilles" of the 92nd Separate assault brigade named after the cat chieftain Ivan Sirko Yuriy Fedorenko in a comment "Espresso. TV". According to him, in the Kharkiv region a serious situation and there are active fighting. In particular, it is a section of the shooter - Lipka, as well as the settlement deep. It cannot be argued that the latter is in the hands of the Russians, because some positions move from hand to hand.

"The enemy shows a sufficiently powerful pressure and also, in addition, the high dynamics of hostilities. What does it mean? What are the losses that he has, they are really crazy in living power, in the technique he uses, the opponent involves Reserves, looking for the ability to keep the degree constantly, to constantly storm, " - said Yuri Fedorenko. Separately, the battalion commander stated that the enemy sends any living force into battle-mechanics, cooks and other servicemen.

All those who should be engaged in security, not go to assault attacks. By the way, it was also stated that it is not necessary to talk about any significant tactical success of the Russians on the battlefield. "The positions that are in the forces of defense remain behind us.

Despite the fact that the enemy actively beats in the leading positions, in particular, it also applies his aircraft with managed bombs very highly intensively, it still does not give him the desired results," - summed up Yuri Fedorenko. We will remind, on July 25 it was reported that the Russian Federation throws assault reserves in Kharkiv region. The analyst of the Center for Defense Strategies Viktor Kevlyuk said it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of Russian reserves in Kharkiv.