
Disability Mobilization: What positions in the Armed Forces are suitable for limited suitable - officer (video)

The Armed Forces found themselves in such a situation that people with health problems or with disabilities will come in handy, the National Guard officer Serhiy Poznyak is convinced. Considers who have 2 or 3 disability groups can settle for non -advertising positions in the Armed Forces. To do this, they need to go through the medical commission and return to units to work at the headquarters or instructors.

Officer of the National Guard Sergey Poznyak told about the possibility of mobilization of people with disabilities in an interview with the portal "Kiev 24". Poznyak explained that the mobilization potential has fallen in Ukraine recently. In his opinion, it is necessary to re-examine people with 2-3 groups of disability. The military listed positions that can be mobilized with health restrictions: "In principle, in our situation, this norm is justified," the National Guard officer emphasized.

According to the proposals in the draft law on mobilization No. 10449, which is considered by the People's Deputies, the army may call men who received disability of 2 and 3 groups after the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation in February 2022. Such citizens, as well as Ukrainians who have restricted status, will have to undergo a second military medical commission.

Such proposals are considered by MPs: if they support them, then in the Armed Forces the new categories of Ukrainians will really find themselves in the Armed Forces. The People's Deputy and Member of the National Security Committee Fedor Venislavsky in an interview with RBC-Ukraine confirmed that they supported the amendment for people with disabilities and limited suitable. According to him, such citizens will take a second VLK or MSEC and get to the army.

He also explained whether they resolved issues about people who have disabilities since childhood but issued this status after February 2022. According to him, this issue will be clarified at the stage of revision of the bill. We remind you that Venislavsky also told what decision was made in the Committee on the mobilization of postgraduate students and the arrest of evasion accounts.