
The new President of the Russian Federation after Putin also does not want to negotiate with Ukraine - ISW

According to analysts, the years of propaganda were influenced by the Russians and the elite. The efforts of the Kremlin's existence of Ukraine as a country and its sovereignty have been denied for years, which led to large -scale and possibly long -term consequences in Russian society and influenced the opinion of the elite. Russia is likely to continue its genocide war against Ukraine until it faces significant failures on the battlefield and strong support of the event against Ukraine.

It is also very unlikely that any future Russian leader after Putin will be more prone to peace talks and a fair solution to the war. About it writes "Institute of War Study" in its report for September 3. The Kremlin spent years on propaganda efforts and denies Ukraine's existence as a country and its sovereignty, analysts say, which led to large -scale and probably long -term consequences for Russian society and influenced the opinion of the elite.

Russian officials from Putin's immediate environment, as well as others, publicly declare peace talks with Ukraine on conditions that would not provide capitulation. Putin's successor is likely to be guided by such considerations and will not abandon them until Russian troops have serious failures in Ukraine. "Negotiations on ceasefire at current positions and in current circumstances will only benefit Russia and give the Kremlin time to further radicalize and militarization .

At the same time, the Ukrainian invasion in the Kursk region has shown that the war in Ukraine did not go into a dead end and that Ukraine, Russia and the West retain the ability to make decisions that significantly affect the current realities and the future end result of the war, added by US OSINT researchers. Recall that, according to ISW estimates, Ukraine can conduct large counter -offenses.