
"Jumps out" from the container and knocks drones: the army tested robotic air defense (video)

Such a protective tower is easy to transport from place to place and can destroy even light armored vehicles. The US Army protested the Red Sands training in Saudi Arabia with a modernized Crows II air defense container defense system, which is equipped with rockets and laser guidelines for the destruction of drones. About it tells the portal The Drive. Available to journalists from Red Sands 23.

2 shows a part of the entire system consisting of a four-line 70mm Arnold Defense Land-LGR4 missile installation installed at a modified battle station with a general remote control II (CRWS II) from KOGS. Advanced precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS II) with laser guidance is used to defeat goals.

The CRWS II launcher has long been used in the US Army, but now it is a modified container with a folding roof, through which you can rise and lower a combat platform equipped with rockets or a large machine gun. The tower can be lowered to allow the staff to recharge their weapons, repair and otherwise interact with it, under the relative protection of the walls of the container.

Only two soldiers can connect and operate the system, who should connect it to the power source, charge and activate - it takes about half an hour. The towers can also be connected to the information network through a special Ethernet support system so that they can work together to destroy moving objects in the sky. The battle part is paired with RPS-42 radar from Leonardo, which is also hidden in the container. He searches and target the target with optical laser and infrared cameras.

The mast rises directly from the container, giving radars and other sensors a good view of the horizon, which helps them to detect and track the approaching drones. The container nature of the whole system is convenient in that using a truck such towers are easy to deliver and deploy in the right place to protect the perimeter or important protected areas.