
The event changes the attitude to Putin. Why Macron spoke of sending troops to Ukraine

The split of the EU is of course, not a very good scenario, writes journalist Orest Sohar - but Vig sees a certain positive. By pursuing his selfish goals, French President Macron is forcing the decay to become more Antiputinsky. Macron tries to remove German Schrai from the EU: political showdowns are turning into enmity. Paris has turned into a proactive supporter of Kiev in a second: so France resumed the fight against Germany for dominance in the EU.

This is a good opportunity to overcome the Kremlin's fear syndrome. The anamnesis of Berlin and Paris's relations is well tracked by the last meeting of European leaders: French President Macron Tank drove through the Bundescanler of Germany. He first annoyed him with a "assumption" on the business trip of the Western Land Forces to Ukraine, and subsequently frankly mocked.

"Many people who say" never-never "were the same people who said" Never-Ever tanks, never-aircraft, never-times a long-range rocket, never-never-this "… I remind you that 2 years ago, many at this table said, "We will offer sleeping bags and helmets," - Macron. The Germans replied that the macron was so cool only in words. France sent military assistance to Ukraine only for € 640 million, while Germany provided and planned for € 17.

7 billion: "Scholz uses every opportunity to press EU countries, in particular to France, to send more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. " than the Germans. And mentioned the Taurus. Taurus caused a separate international srach.

Scholz invented a whole handful of reasons why he is not shared by these rockets: from the fact that the chancellor is very worried because of the appearance of Moscow, which can be spoiled by Ukrainian attack , which happens only with the participation of officers of the German army (they say, I do not want to repeat the experience of French and British colleagues who have directed their specialists to Ukraine who became accomplices of war to serve Scalp and Storm Shadows.

The French and the British answered the controversial: first, it is not true; Secondly, sometimes it is worth chewing, not reconnaissance. Macron begins an open confrontation with Scholz at a time when Berlin loses his second shrimp partner - Washington. The first was Moscow: the German excacessler Angela Merkel was so hard in Putin's arms not so much for the Kremlin's peace, but to gain access to cheap Russian resources that created economic preferences, allowing overtaking France.

Washington also squeezed Paris with a special love and for every occasion. For example, a loud story was a story when the United States was already signed with Australia by a French contract of € 50 billion for submarine production. Not surprisingly, Macron professes the slogans of "autonomy from the United States" and of economic cooperation with China.

The macronius idea of ​​introducing European Land Forces to Ukraine is not only an opportunity to assert yourself because of the indecision of partners. This is a chance to combine new EU members around Paris, who will feel the corrosive breathing of the Kremlin by their own nape. Now the French authorities are trying to enlist support within the country.

From the latter: Prime Minister Attal repeated in the Senate that the state could send its soldiers to Ukraine to "protect a certain number of borders", and Macron invited the leaders of the country's parliamentary parties to talk about Ukraine. It is logical to assume that Paris is also working with new EU and NATO members to give international weight initiative.

If we first heard only negative comments from European countries, now Estonia, Lithuania and the Netherlands "support" or "do not exclude" such development. The initiative is not so much about the troops, but about changing the attitude of the West to the Putin War: Macron offers an active strategy for the support of Kiev, not bringing to the limit when the bunker Fuhrer himself attaches one of NATO states.