
Putin lies about negotiations with Ukraine: he is only ready to freeze the war - an expert (video)

Russia needs some break to accumulate weapons and troops and completely capture Ukraine, says Volodymyr Gorbach, executive director of the Institute for Transformation of Northern Eurasia. All the so -called readiness for negotiations with Ukraine by Russia is a completely apparent position and the least they agree to, it is the consolidation of already enthusiastic territories, including Crimea.

Vladimir Gorbach, the executive director of the Institute of Transformation of Northern Eurasia, told this in an interview with Focus. It is necessary to understand, the expert says that Russia will arrange only those negotiations that will leave Ukraine, nor sovereignty, nor territories or people. But starting from today's realities on the front may be negotiations about fixing positions along the line of contact.

And the position of Ukraine has long been known - the withdrawal of all Russian troops from all occupied Ukrainian lands. Tactically Russia is ready to freeze the war, but strategically will never give up the occupation of Ukraine, the expert says. "This is, first and foremost, an attempt by Russian leadership to justify foreign observers for their aggression," says Vladimir Gorbach.

"Not the whole international community understands the essence of Putin's war, but some anti -Western countries that fluctuate between support or condemnation Russian actions can, thanks to constant conversations about negotiations, believe in the good intentions of the Russian Federation and their "war with the West". Of course, such countries will attribute Ukraine to the Western Alliance, but above all, in their eyes, Putin's war will not be a war with Ukraine, but with the US and NATO.

According to the expert, constantly broadcasting this thesis about the negotiations of the Russian Federation tries to create a coalition that would not support Russia, but at least at least neutral to them, on the basis of the countries of the so -called global south. Vladimir Gorbach also notes that Russia, despite all its bravada, needs some break.

The aggressor would be profitable at least for a while to "freeze" the fighting to produce enough weapons and train more soldiers for regular attacks on Ukraine. The Russian Federation wants to wait for EU fatigue from the help of Ukraine and the US elections, where it is waiting for the revenge of Donald Trump. Earlier, Focus said that official Berlin rejected a message about the "secret plan" for Kiev. The German government emphasized that only Ukraine can appoint a date of peace talks.