
Fake paratroopers under Verbov. That for mysterious troops unfolds Russia on the Southern Front

Ukrainian troops continue the gradual promotion on the Southern Front, writes military expert Konstantin Mashovets. The enemy, in order to react to it, is forced to throw unforeseen reserves and issue little prepared troops for paratroopers. In the Tokmak direction, the advanced units of the Armed Forces approached and became entrenched in positions to the east of the village of Novoprokopivka, at a distance of about 2. 5 km.

At the same time, from the north, the advanced units of the Armed Forces are already located from this village at a distance of just over 1 km. In addition, it is worth noting that the Armed Forces are very close to cut the field road leading from Novoprokovka to the village of Verbovo. Of course, if this happens, the situation with the maintenance of the first position of the main border of the enemy's defense between Novoprokopivka and Verbov will significantly deteriorate.

And it is on the most threatening area for him. Currently, the units of the 71st and 210 Motorized Rifle Regiments (SME) are trying to prevent it from. However, it is not possible to completely stop the promotion of the advanced units of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the northeastern outskirts of Verbove, apparently at least 2 days, fierce nearby battles with the Ukrainian infantry with units of the 417th separate reconnaissance battalion (OIVB) of the enemy and battalion Bars-11 are ongoing. This indicates that the area of ​​the breakthrough of the first position of the main border of the enemy's defense is expanding along the front not only in the western direction, but also in the eastern direction.

Yes, apparently, the main news from this direction-south of the village of Verblov's enemy unfolds units of the 387th SMEs of the TRV from its 44th Airborne Division (PDD). I wrote about the formation of this "kissing-dessert" connection at the Ryazan school at the end of last year.

By its name it is considered "landing", but in essence is a very peculiar conglomerate of units and units, which are most likely under the status of "territorial troops" or "formation of a mobilization reserve", not real airborne troops. Who forgot, I will remind.

Formation of 2 "Divisions of the Mobilization Reserve (MR) of the Airborne Troops", 44th PDD and 104th Airborne Assault (DSSD) took place on the basis VAT, as well as in the PPD and at the training centers of the 31st and 83rd separate landing and assault teams (ODSBR).

Typically, in the Russian command itself, no one "gets together" about the level of combat capability of these parts and connections, and usually they are used in private conversations as a peculiar term as "eating" in private conversations.

The term "east" is not in vain and inadvertently used by the Russian military command for these "connections", because their combat composition (both in quantitative and qualitative dimensions) and the level of combat capabilities today raise more questions than answers. Judge for yourself: by and large, these Russian "paratroopers" are a banal "mobilized infantry".

The fact that they were "knocked down" in more or less acceptable military formations on the basis of real landing units, units and institutions does not make them at all in "automatic mode" by paratroopers. Although, of course, the Russian command tried to give it a "mobilization deployment" of such a landing "Flery".

For example, in the process of formation of the 387th SME TRV, it was quite "exit" staffed from the command staff from among the officers of the Ryazan Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the 11th JV of the MR was declared a "landing" ordinary order of the then Deputy Commander of the Dnepr "General Teplinsky. Therefore, these "newly formed Divisions of the VAT of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" are the same "Chmobiki" who during their "preparing" somewhere "stood near VAT".

Neither by their staffing structure nor regular weapons and military equipment (OVT), or the features of the process of their preparation and combat coordination, these compounds do not correspond to the term "landing", especially "air-destruction" or even "landing assault". And here "under the robot" the Russian command, finally, drawn this "beauty". In addition to the "personnel" of the 7th and 76th Airborne Assault Divisions (DSHD).

As far as I understand, they will be introduced into battle in the strip of the advanced units of the Armed Forces in the Tokmak direction on the site between Novoprokopivka and Verbov. I am not ready to evaluate this decision of the Russian command as the same "cardinal", which I wrote a few days ago. After all, in this direction, we can, so far, observe the concentration and deployment of only individual parts from the 76th DSS and 44th PDD (one regiment-104th DSSD and 387 TRV SMEs).

But the fact that the Russian command charges to the "breakthrough" of the first position of its main defense turn of everything that is "possible and impossible", everything that "gives signs of life" is obvious. Now about other messages: well, as current news.