
Attack simulation: Russian Shahmed flew near Khmelnitsky NPP

Energoatom noted that this is not the first such case: over the last few weeks, more than 100 Russian UAVs and missiles near Ukrainian nuclear power plants have been recorded. On the night of September 22, a stream of a shock unmanned apparatus was recorded near the Khmelnitsky NPP site. About it reports "Energoatom".

"The trajectory of the flight indicates that Russia probably tried to simulate the attack directly at the NPP by a sharp deviation from the initial trajectory towards the station, approaching the site, and then the reversal and return to the original trajectory," the statement said. The head of "Energoatom" Petro Kotin noted that the Russians "raise the rate", constantly creating tension at nuclear objects. This terror should stop because "the consequences can be fatal.

" Energoatom also said that this is not the first time that Russia is in danger of Ukrainian atomic objects, consciously creating the threat of nuclear power and increasing energy terror. In particular, on Friday, September 13, the department noted that more than 100 Russian UAVs and missiles flew in less than a month near the Ukrainian NPP.

"Over the past few weeks, the movement of more than 70 unmanned aerial vehicles of the terrorist country and more than 30 enemy winged missiles that have flew near the Ukrainian NPPs have been recorded," they added there. About each such fact, the "Enegy" provides information to the relevant institutions for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the International Atomic Energy Agency and informing domestic and international organizations.

We will remind that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported about Russia's intention to strike on critical objects of nuclear energy of Ukraine on the eve of winter. Open distribution devices of nuclear power plants and transmission substations may be under the impact of the enemy - they are critical for the safe operation of nuclear power. The strokes will be another escalation of the Russian side after hydroelectric power attacks. There are three options for confrontation in Ukraine.