
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the Czech President's statement about the occupation of the Russian Federation of part of the territory of Ukraine

It is necessary to increase the pressure on the Russian Federation in order for the enemy troops to leave the territory of Ukraine, to be added to the ministry. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the statement of the Czech President Peter Paul on the temporary occupation of some territories of Ukraine by Russia. The department noted that temporary decisions will not be able to restore full peace - so it is possible only to delay the war.

The department noted that the withdrawal of Russian occupation troops from the sovereign territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders is one of the mandatory points of the formula of the President of Ukraine Peace Volodymyr Zelensky. It is one of the points that will guarantee a comprehensive, fair and long -term peace for Ukraine, Europe and the world.

"There can be no half decisions when it comes to human lives, freedom, common values, justice for Russian crimes, the restoration of international peace and security," the ministry added. They called for efforts to embody the formula of peace in the interests of all nations and to increase pressure on Russia, "to force it to just peace, the liberation of Ukraine's territories and respect for international law. " This scenario can be implemented by joint efforts.

It should be reminded that the President of the Czech Republic Peter Pavel stated that part of the Ukrainian territory will be temporarily under Russian occupation. He added that neither Ukraine nor Russia can count on the achievement of maximum goals in the war. It should be noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has declared the readiness of the War Victory Plan. It envisages providing Ukraine with more weapons, investments and permission to attack the Russian Federation.