
Dozens of drones dismiss explosives on doctors, volunteers and civilians: as Kherson region suffers from Russians

The inhabitants of Kherson and the region say that Russian UAVs are constantly spreading over them and attacking only peaceful goals. Five people were injured in Kherson from Russian drones on Tuesday August 20. Among them is a 14-year-old teenager. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation attacks civilians, the inhabitants of the regions say that it is reminiscent of hunting for humans. From July 13 to August 13, 2024, the Russians killed eight and wounded 110 residents of the region.

Among the victims are mostly civilians, as well as doctors and police officers who went to their aid. About it writes "Ukrainian Truth". In Kherson Ova it is said that in July only the Russians attacked drones more than 3300 times. This forced the authorities to declare a mandatory evacuation from a number of villages and neighborhoods of Kherson. "Russia dropped out the dumplings on the car. We came home, did not have time to drive him into the garage. Just entered the house and heard the Big Bang.

We could not go out immediately because drones were flying over us, we were afraid of," - Tatiana and Ilya Shiryaev mention. The couple lives in the village of Antonovka near Kherson: they bought that house seven years ago, grown figs and grenades. Before the war, it was a popular place to live: on the Dnieper bank and near the regional center. Now he is almost attacked by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Electricity is absent from November 2022, water is supplied by generators that the Russians attack the same as gas distribution stations. Therefore, the couple decided to move to Kherson. "It's just unrealistic. The drones are also flying at night. And it seems that they look directly into the windows. We have not tolerated anymore," the woman explains.

Ilya Shiryaev says that in recent weeks, Russian military has been attacking Antonovka almost daily with the help of drones of Mavic type, as well as FPV. They dump different types of explosives, including ignition grenades. "Recently dropped on the generators - and the water stopped giving. The fire went very quickly. While we stewed, the drone was flying, looking. The firefighters did not arrive, they were not allowed because of the danger of UAV. The fire reached the house," Ilya says.

According to him then the non -residential house burned. He, as a local resident who has seen dozens of Russians, says that the occupiers are attacked by civilians, for example, when they rush to help neighbors who have already suffered from previous shelling. "They do it specifically. Just because they can, because creatures, I cannot say differently. When it arrives, people go out to look, neighbors go to help. At this point, they already throw on these people," the man says.

The head of the Antonov district Sergey Ivashchenko confirms that dozens of drones from the occupied Left Bank are attacking daily. According to him, more than 90% of homes in the village are damaged or completely destroyed. And from the 13,000 pre -war population Antonivka remained about four thousand. "Details every day, they smoke homes daily. The days of the day they dropped explosives in the humanitarian staff of one organization. Two volunteers were killed.

Nevertheless, we are helped by various organizations, for which I am very grateful. Without them, it would be difficult to hold the situation in the district without them," - says the elder. Sergei leaves home in a bulletproof vest and helmet. It always takes a shotgun to shoot drones in the event of an attack. According to him, some peasants refuse to leave the village. For the most part, these are pensioners.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also send drones to the neighboring village of Sadove. Svetlana, a local resident, tells how the Russians attacked her house and neighboring home, where the Italian Marco with his wife-Ukrainian lives, also Svetlana. On August 12, the enemy drone dropped seven explosive devices into the courtyard of neighbors, and before that they were beaten by artillery. "There was a arrival, gate, fence. We never found them. Then at 3 o'clock the shelling began again.

Two houses, kitchens, sheds began on the next street. And so the second, the fourth. woman. Marco was seriously injured, his wife was affected by a wreck, two of their dogs were killed and the house burned down. Svetlana herself left for Kherson, and their house was burned by the Russians, kissing from the drone. Local volunteer Natalia Pelyshenko says that there is no military in the garden and there is no equipment of the Armed Forces.

The woman says that Russians just destroy homes and kill people. "Everything that is built, everything that is good, everything that goes and moves is everything burns. It is hunting for people. We can not even volunteers with volunteers as before, because they immediately get a car and drive it, attack" - says Natalia. There are now 270 inhabitants in the garden. More than a thousand people lived in a full -scale invasion in the village.

The first to come to the aid of the Kherson after the shelling is an emergency medical team. Feldsher of emergency conditions in disaster medicine Vitaliy Tokarev has been working on an ambulance since 1996. The man experienced Kherson's occupation, threats and pressure from the Russian military. Now, he says, the situation has worsened: there are more than ten challenges in a day. His colleagues repeatedly came under fire.

During the next call to the victims after discharging from the drones, the paramedic and the driver received injury, the car - badly damaged. For the rapid Russians, they sent a drone that dropped the explosives. The Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office reported that the first attacks of drones for civilians and people in the Beryslav and Kherson districts were recorded in November 2022. However, at first they were isolated.

"Since then, the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations included information on the commission of 605 criminal offenses on the facts of drones of drones of this type (drones-Kamikadze, drones, which are adapted for the discharge of ammunition, shock drones, etc. ),"-said in the prosecutor's office. The number of drones from drones has increased significantly since May 2024.

In total, according to the prosecutor's office, from March 2023, as a result of drones of drones in the de -industrial territory of the Kherson region, 33 civilians (including 1 child) and 322 were injured (7 of them children). The facts of attacks with the help of drones Ukrainian law enforcement agencies qualify under Article 438 of the Criminal Code - "Violation of the laws and customs of war", that is, it is recognized as a war crime.

The spokesman of the Kherson Ova Alexander Tolokonnikov believes that one of the goals of the Russian military during the attacks on civilian infrastructure and civilians is the intimidation of the population. "To be afraid of living here. They destroy substations and networks so that there is no light, gas, water so that we can not restore it and have to leave the Kherson Right Bank. Therefore, we work with the military over the military in the coastal zones ", - says Tolokonnikov.

The work of the Ukrainian systems of the I ride remains one of the most effective ways to combat the enemy's UAV. Due to the activation of drones from drones, the Kherson Ova expanded the list of settlements where mandatory evacuation of the population was announced. It was added to the villages of Shlyakhovo, Tomarina, Novooleksandrivka, Potter, Novodmitrovka, Romashkovo, May Day, as well as hydro -parks and oilavan in Kherson.