
Golden Eagle drones will be armed by machine guns: will collect UAV and destroy the enemy infantry (video)

The drone is equipped with artificial intelligence and allows you to install different sensors for intelligence and targets. Steadicopter, which produces helicopter drones of Black Eagle 50 Electric and Golden Eagle, has equipped the last of them with a special Smash Dragon Suspens with a machine gun, which allows accurate shots to destroy air and ground targets. About it reports the portal Militaryleak.

SmartShooter Smash Dragon Small System is a unique stabilization design with patented goals, tracking and complex computer visions that allow static and moving goals accurately. The system can use different types of weapons, such as the caliber rifle 5. 56-7. 62 mm, sniper rifles, 40 mm grenade launchers and other, providing tactical maneuvering of forces with advantage in remote terrain and high deadly accuracy.

The artificial intelligence used in Smash Dragon enables the operator to quickly recognize goals and small objects, including people and vehicles, regardless of whether they are in motion or standing in place. AI can also determine whether objects were present in these places. The Black Eagle 50 Electric and Golden Eagle helicopter drones also include artificial intelligence technology and a unique on -board remote control system (arcws).

Artificial intelligence technology raises awareness of the situation and provides an autonomous classification and tracking of several goals, while Arcws captures the goal, monitors it and provides accurate target damage. Golden Eagle Ruav drone is driven by one electric motor and has a maximum flight duration of 3 hours. The maximum flight range is 100 km and the maximum speed is 150 km/h.