
The Armed Forces breakthrough in Kursk region: it became known who Putin made guilty - isw

According to American analysts, the Kremlin head sent a clear signal to Russian officials so that they do not criticize the failure of the defense of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region. Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to create an image of a strong leader, while shifting responsibility for events in Kursk region to other officials. About it writes the American Institute of War Study in its report of August 12.

Analysts point out that on August 12, at a meeting with the Russian military and authorities, Putin gave instructions on the situation in Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions, he rigidly read the so -called. The governor of Kursk region Alexei Smirnov for trying to discuss the issues that, according to the President, should be in charge of the Ministry of Defense. Putin instructed Smirnov to focus only on the socio-economic situation in the region.

In addition, Putin expressed his dissatisfaction with the first Viceremer Denis Manturov for missing a number of key social issues, despite a statement on control of the situation. At the same time, governors of Belgorod and Bryansk regions escaped criticism without affecting military topics. According to ISW, Putin also used a meeting to strengthen his image of both a person capable of controlling both political and socio-economic situation on the border.

"The Kremlin's decision to publish a video of the meeting with the transcript of Putin's meeting with Russian officials is a clear signal for other state officials to refrain from comments on the Kremlin's adoption, Russian military and Russian forces Civil issues have been with this, "the report reads.

Putin also expressed several estimates of Ukrainian actions in the Kursk region, simultaneously accusing Ukraine of strokes on civilian sites and threat to nuclear security, which, according to ISW, is hypocritical in view of Russia's actions in Ukraine. Putin suggested that Ukraine can use its operations in the Kursk region to improve negotiating positions, which contradicts the Kremlin's previous statements about Ukraine's reluctance to negotiate.