
The Russians send to the front of prisoners with tuberculosis - the media

The Russian command throws on the front of patients and unprepared convicts - those who refuse to participate in the war are mysteriously disappear. Many Russian servicemen who are fighting on the front in Ukraine on the side of the Russian Federation have serious health problems. In particular, it is about patients with prisoners who were recruited to participate in a full -scale war. About it writes The Mirror, citing British military experts.

According to sources of publication in the power structures, Russian prisoners involved in the war are often ill with tuberculosis. In addition, patients with reservists do not have enough preparation and equipment, they suffer heavy losses when they are involved in digging large tranches. The UK Ministry of Defense claims that more and more families in the Russian Federation are protesting against the conditions in which their relatives are fighting against Ukraine.

The publication also states that the number of prisoners in Russian colonies against the background of mass recruitment for the war against Ukraine decreased by 23 thousand people in only two months. Previously, they were offered freedom in exchange for participation in hostilities, but when the leadership of the Wagner group joined this process, the situation for the convicts deteriorated - those who refuse to fight disappear.

Speaking about the losses among the prisoners recruited, the publication cites the figure of 500 dead during the war. The prisoners' recruitment campaign was conducted in extremely remote isolators in Siberia and the Far East of Russia, in particular in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk in the Polar Circle and Yakutia - these isolated camps are inaccessible to many relatives, which in the European part of Russia, which facilitates abrasion The material is said in the material.