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There are 900 small -range ballistic missiles, 1800 medium -range missiles, incl...

Arsenal of more than 3000 missiles: China is close to leadership in rocket weapons - Pentagon

There are 900 small -range ballistic missiles, 1800 medium -range missiles, including hypersonic, as well as 400 winged land base missiles. China currently has a total of 3 100 100 small and medium -range ballistic missiles. This is stated in the report of the US Ministry of Defense on military and defense development of the PRC of December 18.

The report covered in detail the key aspects of China's military capacity, with a special focus on the missile forces of the People's Liberation Army (PLARF), which since its establishment in 2015 play a central role in the management of the country's land missile. It is noted that the PLARF has seven combat bases that run from 6 to 8 missile brigades each, and three auxiliary bases for the processing of warheads, infrastructure, training and testing.

In total, the PRC missile troops have at least 40 brigades. 1. Low-range ballistic missiles (BRMD) are about 900 BRMDs, such as DF-15 up to 900 km and DF-11 with a range of up to 600 km. These missiles are designed for tactical strikes for regional purposes, including aerodromes, bins and team centers, and are highly mobility due to wheel platforms. 2. Medium -range ballistic missiles (BSD) PLARF has 1,300 medium -range ballistic missiles. Among them are anti-ship DF-21D.

There are also 500 medium -range ballistic missiles up to 4,000 km. This category includes DF-26, which stand out for their versatility, allowing both nuclear and ordinary tasks. 3. Hypersonic technologies include DF-27 with a hypersonic planet, designed for long-distance blows at a distance of 5000 to 8,000 km. Particular attention is paid to DF-ZF-hypersonic glider capable of evading the missile systems.

It is used with a DF-17 rocket and has both nuclear and normal potential, which expands the capabilities of the NVAC for strategic restraint. In addition, the NVAK studies the possibility of developing ordinary intercontinental rockets capable of affecting American territories such as Hawaii and Alaska. 3. Winged land base rockets (KRNB): 400 winged land base missiles-CJ-10 and CJ-100 with a range of 1500-2000 km are located in the Arsenal of the NVAK.

These systems are capable of striking strokes on key infrastructure and strategic purposes. The modernization of China's rocket arsenal is an important aspect in Beijing's military strategy. "The China's strategy involves deliberate and decisive efforts to accumulate, improve and use internal and external elements of national power that will bring the PRC to leading positions in prolonged competition," the document reads.