Telegram-channel reports that Pali was detained in place and eyewitnesses were thrown on the car snow to extinguish the fire. It is also reported that a minor girl was detained in St. Petersburg on suspicion of arson of another police car, which completely burned the engine. Also on December 20, the Telegram-channel Baza announced an explosion in one of the banks in Moscow. An unknown man came to the department at about 8:00 pm and blowing up fireworks near ATMs.
It is noted that there were no clients in the department, and employees had time to evacuate, so there were no victims of the explosion. Three fireworks in two multifunctional centers providing state services in the Russian Federation, and in the Russian post office, were launched today, December 21, reports Russian media. It is noted that the student set fire to the bank branch in Krasnoyarsk, the man blew up a fireworks in a bank in Rostov-on-Don, and in St.
Petersburg, a pensioner poured into an ATM of a flammable liquid and threw a lit match into him, removing his actions for video. It is also reported that in St. Petersburg, two elderly women burned another police car, and in Tobolsk in the Tyumen region snow removal railway equipment was burning. In Tver, according to the channel, the unknown poured gasoline and set fire to the Gazelle police officer, parked near the Zavolsky District Department of Internal Affairs.
"The guy approached a car with a flammable liquid, poured and set fire to the fire. The Telegram channel says that all these incidents arrange fraudsters who make money from people and then promise to return them for arson. We will remind, on December 20 the Russian media reported on the strikes of ATACMS rockets in the Rylian Kursk region, as a result of which several people were killed and dozens were injured. On December 19, the Russian edition of the Agency.
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